Tel: 64945335
Address: North of Xiaoguan Metallurgical Hospital outside Andingmen, Chaoyang District
858, Te2,849,387, 108,124,758, get off at Xiaoguan (also known as the East Gate of Olympic Sports Center) station, go back south, turn left at the first crossing, and you will see the metallurgical hospital prevention and control center on the north side of the hospital.
Please refer to the map (Xiaoguan Hospital shown in the figure is a metallurgical hospital):
/# CT = 9 & amp; bs = 0 10 & amp; BARWHPCOYMFITNQ & ampBARWHPCOYMFITNQ&。 rn= 10。 pn = 0 & ampsz=500。 DP = 16 & amp;