Kunhua Hospital, Yunnan Province
Director of Department of Reproductive Genetics, First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province (Kunhua Hospital). Zhang Xiaomei, Director of Reproductive Center, female, born on June 30, 1943, is a well-known expert in human assisted reproduction technology in Yunnan Province. She is a renowned expert in human assisted reproduction technology in Yunnan Province.She graduated from the Medical Department of Kunming Medical College in 1966, and received her master's degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology from China Medical University in 1981, and has been assigned to the First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province since then.She has been to Japan twice for further training from 1988 to 1990, and has participated in academic exchanges in reproductive medicine both at home and abroad for a number of times.She has served as the director of the Reproductive Genetics Department of the First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province since 1995. Since 1995, she has been the director of the Department of Reproductive Genetics of the First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province, and the director of the Reproductive Center. Director of Reproductive Center. He is currently a professor at Kunming Medical College. She is a member of the Chinese Medical Association Family Planning Association, Honorary Chairman of Yunnan Provincial Family Planning Association, Yunnan Provincial Medical Genetics Association, Yunnan Provincial Society of Integrative Medicine, Yunnan Provincial Society of Gynecology, Yunnan Provincial Society of Reproductive Medicine, Yunnan Provincial Eugenics Association, Yunnan Provincial Family Planning Expert Group, and Yunnan Provincial Maternal and Child Health Care Technology Appraisal Committee. Member of Reproductive Medicine Society of Chinese Medical Association. She specializes in reproductive endocrinology. Infertility diagnosis and treatment. Ovulation promotion technology. In vitro fertilization and artificial insemination.