What is a lightning surge protector?

Lightning surge protector refers to a device that provides safety protection for various electronic equipment and some instruments. When the circuit or some lines are disturbed by the outside world, it will produce current or voltage. In this case, the surge protector will shunt in a short time to prevent the surge from damaging other devices in the circuit.

What is the use of the circuit breaker in front of the surge protector?

1, the purpose of pre-breaker or open circuit is to protect surge protector from continuous overvoltage (overcurrent). The continuous overcurrent is enough to damage the surge protector. The particularity of surge protector lies in that it "filters out" surge (overvoltage pulse below subtle level), and for overvoltage (overcurrent) with longer time effect, it plays a protective role in circuit breaker, air open circuit, leakage protection, fuse and so on.

2. For the AC power supply line entering the building, at the junction of LPZ0A or LPZ0B and LPZ 1 area, such as the main distribution box of the line, a first-class test surge protector or a second-class test surge protector should be set as the first-class protection; At the junction of distribution lines, distribution boxes and other follow-up protection areas between electronic equipment, surge protectors with secondary or tertiary tests can be set as secondary protection.

3. When setting the surge protector series, the protection distance, the length of the surge protector connecting wire and the impulse voltage rating UW of the protected equipment should be considered comprehensively. Surge protectors at all levels should be able to withstand the expected discharge current at the installation point, and their effective protection level UP/F should be less than UW of the corresponding equipment.

4. When the line length between the voltage switching surge protector and the voltage limiting surge protector is less than10m, and the line length efficiency between the voltage limiting surge protectors is 5m, a decoupling device shall be installed between the two levels of surge protectors. When surge protectors have automatic energy matching function, the line length between surge protectors is not limited. Surge protectors shall have overcurrent protection devices and deterioration display functions.