Need to purchase a number of chip capacitors and resistors, where to buy better?

Hello owner. This is still quite a lot, now offline entities are basically transferred to the line, the more commonly used love procurement, IC online are still relatively good, basically are spot inventory, the same day delivery, and resistors of the product range is also relatively large.

In the procurement process, the following points need to be noted:

1, according to the technical specifications of the electronic equipment and circuitry specific requirements of the choice of resistor type and error level.

2, in order to improve the reliability of the equipment, to extend the service life, should be selected rated power greater than the actual power consumption of 1.5-2 times.

3. When assembling electronic devices, if non-color ring resistors are used, the nominal value of the resistors should be marked towards the top and the order of the marks should be the same in order to facilitate the observation.

4. When soldering resistors, the soldering iron should not stay too long. If you need to connect resistors in series or parallel to obtain the desired resistance value, please consider their power ratings. Resistors of the same resistance in series or parallel, the power rating is equal to the sum of the power rating of each resistor; resistance of different resistors in series, the power rating depends on the high resistance resistor. When connected in parallel, the power rating depends on the lower resistance, and needs to be calculated before application.