Canon 5d2 number 2431416893 was produced in what year

Canon 5d2 number 2431416893 was produced in 2011.

The 5D2 is a Canon product introduced in 2009, the first digit of the machine number produced in that year is all zeros, in the second year it is 1, in the third year it is 2, and so on.

The 5D2 is a digital SLR camera from Canon Camera with excellent photo and video capabilities. 5D2 has been widely recognized by photography and video enthusiasts and practitioners for its large full-frame CMOS, 21 million pixels, noise control performance at high ISO, and support for 1080p HD video recording.?

High-definition video camera function is one of the highlights of the 5D2, which provides image shooting capabilities comparable to hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars of professional movie-grade HD cameras. Advantages such as high image quality, easy storage and capture, shallow depth of field, portability, and low price have made the 5D2 a favorite in the videography field, and it is increasingly being used for feature films, commercials, high-end weddings, and even movie shooting.

But because of the 5D2's positioning and sensory, control design is a camera, for the camera shooting process, will encounter how to keep the picture stable, how to follow the focus, how to simple control and other issues.

Extended information:

Canon (Canon ), is Japan's one of the world's leading production of integrated group of imaging and information products, since its inception in 1937

Canon's product lineup*** is spread across three main areas: personal products, office equipment and industrial equipment, with major products including cameras and lenses, digital cameras, printers, copiers, fax machines, scanners, broadcasting equipment, medical devices and semiconductor production equipment.

Canon digital cameras are divided into four major series, one is the IXUS series, the second is the POWERSHOT series, the third is the EOS series, and the fourth is the Prima series. Among them, the IXUS series is a fashionable digital camera, the EOS series is a digital SLR camera, and the Prima series is a compact low-end series.

And under the POWERSHOT series, there are many categories, including the A series of home all-rounders, the S IS series of professional telephoto models, the G series of quasi-professional models, and the PRO series of high-end models.



Reference: 5D2 kit_Baidu_Wikipedia

Reference: Canon (China) - Canon Official Website