Heptafluoropropane is one of the cleanest and most environmentally friendly fire extinguishing agents, which has the advantages of cleanliness, low toxicity, good insulation, zero ozone depletion potential and high fire extinguishing efficiency.
2. Aerosol fire extinguishing system
Aerosol fire extinguishing systems are divided into S-type, K-type and other types of aerosol fire extinguishing systems, and S-type hot aerosol fire extinguishing system is the main fire extinguishing system commonly used. K-type and other aerosol fire extinguishing systems cannot be used for other electrical fires except cable tunnels and self-provided generator rooms.
3, mixed gas fire extinguishing system
The fire extinguishing efficiency of mixed gas fire extinguishing system is low, which may lead to the splashing and gasification of combustible liquid during high pressure injection, resulting in the spread and spread of fire. Generally speaking, it is not recommended to use liquid as the main fuel for fire fighting.
4, carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system can be divided into high-pressure and low-pressure fire extinguishing systems, and carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system is the only gas fire extinguishing system that can be used for local fire extinguishing system at present.
Scope of application of gas fire extinguishing system
The gas fire extinguishing system is suitable for extinguishing the following fires:
1, electrical fire;
2, the solid surface is on fire;
3. liquid fire;
4. A gas fire that can cut off the gas source before extinguishing the fire.
Note: Except for cable tunnels (interlayers and wells) and self-provided generator rooms, K-type and other types of thermal aerosol prefabricated fire extinguishing systems shall not be used for other electrical fires.
Second, the gas fire extinguishing system is not suitable for fighting the following fires:
1, nitrocellulose, sodium nitrate and other oxidants or chemical products containing oxidants catch fire;
2, potassium, magnesium, sodium, Qin, zirconium, uranium and other active metals fire;
3, potassium hydride, sodium hydride and other metal hydride fire;
4, hydrogen peroxide, hydrazine and other chemical substances that can decompose by themselves;
5. Deep combustion of combustible solid matter.