Welding plate (welding platform)
Welding plate welding platform cast iron welding plate cast iron welding platform flat welding plate T-slot welding plate welding foundation plate welding foundation platform.
There is a new type of welding platform three-dimensional flexible welding platform, the main surface of the table and the side of the work surface, the five work surfaces were installed on the positioning pieces, but also can be extended in five directions to form a larger reference table.
Welding plate material: high-strength cast iron HT200-300 work surface hardness of HB170-240, after two artificial treatment (artificial annealing 600 degrees -700 degrees and natural aging for 2-3 years) the use of the product's accuracy and stability, good wear resistance.
Welding plate precision: according to the national standard measurement and verification procedures, respectively, for 1, 2, 3 three grades.
Other gauges: cast iron plate, foundation plate, scribing plate, inspection plate, riveting and welding plate, cast iron plate, fireman's plate, clamping plate, grinding plate, scraping plate, sand plate, test plate, machine tool table (such as: floor boring machine table), three coordinate standard plate, mold plate, assembling plate (also known as the assembly of the plate). Or: cast iron platform, foundation platform, scribing platform, inspection platform, riveting and welding platform, cast iron platform, fire platform, clamping platform, grinding platform, scraping platform, pressure sand platform, test bench (such as: vibration test bench referred to as the vibration test bench), machine tool bench (such as: floor boring machine workbench), the three-coordinate standard platform, mold workbench, assembly platform (also called assembly platform).