What is the impact of Shanghai social security provident fund broken payment

Medicare insurance broken, the year will not be able to enjoy the health insurance treatment, and then renew the payment to be 6 months later to resume enjoying.

Social security provident fund: that is, when a worker loses the ability to work due to old age, he or she will be given living expenses during the old age period, as well as care for his or her life. The social security fund is to provide workers with living expenses and medical care during the period of unemployment, as well as to guarantee measures such as vocational training, self-help in production and job placement.

Expanded Information:

Definition of Each Type of Insurance. Definitions:

1, old-age insurance: when a worker loses the ability to work due to old age, he or she will be given living expenses during old age, as well as care for his or her living

2, unemployment insurance: during the period of unemployment, workers will be given living expenses and medical expenses, as well as protection measures such as training for a new job, self-help in production, and vocational referral.

3, work injury insurance: that is, workers injured in the workplace, temporary or permanent loss of working capacity, wage income compensation, but also for workers injured in the workplace medical care and life care measures.

4, medical insurance: that is, workers in the period of illness in the medical, nursing care measures.


Baidu Wikipedia - Social Security Provident Fund