Why are medical rescue helicopters rare in China?

Basically still all talk about the price ah. In fact, there are a lot of factors in this.

First of all, there is the problem of demand: with China's level of infrastructure, emergency vehicles are too late for helicopters - if the rescue helicopters are classified as general aviation processing, from application to take-off may be to dilly-dally for 30-60 minutes, so basically there is no time advantage. If the relevant agreement with the local civil aviation department constitutes a special case of special authorization to take off within 10 minutes, then what if it is shouted down by the air force? There are still a lot of almost uncoordinable problems such as rain-boosting artillery fire, troop movements, and adverse weather conditions. Back up, if a place as a resort area concentrated very much resources, special permission to become a pilot area, then the rest is the problem of money.

Helicopter maintenance issues: helicopters can be hosted existing aviation operations, take wet lease, flight a flight attendant two, captain responsibility and management coordination part. Personnel and depreciation costs are actually quite substantial.