airzero is which company?

South Korea INTRISE company specializing in the production of external vacuum packaging machine brand called airzero, the external vacuum packaging machine industry ranked first in the world, the product performance is good, fast efficiency, long life of consumables, sealing air leakage rate of 0, can be used in the clean room.

The main customer groups are electronics, semiconductor, building materials, food, medicine and medical equipment.

Domestic by the Korean manufacturers invested in Guangzhou Marine Jie Logic Packaging Machinery Co. Ltd. is the only domestic legal person company. 6 Huakang Street, Tianhe East Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, China 020-3884-5885.

More Jie Logic products in the world's 60 countries and regions for sale, the production of all the equipment is produced by the Korean INTRISE production, the only disadvantage of the product is that, and the domestic counterparts compared to the price of some of the price will be more expensive, but you can try to see a price of a penny well.