I would like to ask what kind of garbage the average person's worn masks are classified as

If you are in a low-risk area and are in relatively good health, you can categorize your masks as other garbage.

Put them in the gray bin in the picture

If there is a special garbage can for discarded masks in your location, you need to put them in the special garbage can.

There is usually a specific sign and text

When in segregated places and healthcare facilities, the masks will be dropped off in a medical waste trash bag and will be disposed of by a professional organization.

This kind of general hospitals will provide

If there is fever, cough, sore throat, coughing, sneezing and a series of symptoms or contact with such people, there are waste masks near the special box can be put, such as no first thrown to the other garbage cans, and then the use of 5% 84 disinfectant according to the ratio of 1:99, sprinkled to masks on the treatment, but also can be processed with alcohol. No disinfectant can be sealed in a sealed bag or plastic bag and thrown into other garbage cans.