Pros and cons of various dental crowns

The pros and cons of dental crowns are analyzed as follows: Click to consult an online dental assistant for a professional answer

The benefits of wearing dental crowns can protect the remaining teeth, avoiding the phenomenon of fracture of the teeth, and can normally exercise the function of mastication, which prevents the tilting of neighboring teeth, and also avoids the phenomenon of food blockage and elongation of the teeth of the opposite jaw. The main disadvantage of wearing crowns is that the teeth need to be ground down, in the living pulp teeth may appear hot and cold irritation sensitivity phenomenon, in the grinding process may produce pain. In addition, if the metal crowns, long-term wear may stimulate the gums is the gum margins produce staining, and technical crowns may generally do magnetic **** vibration may have an impact, so it is usually recommended to do all-porcelain braces.

All-ceramic crowns have a better clarity and tone, the shape of the real, similar to normal teeth, have a good compatibility, not easy to give the natural environment of the oral cavity to have an impact, the most important thing is to be placed in the oral cavity around the gums are not prone to have too ugly black stripes appear, aesthetically pleasing and good to use. It also has no effect on MRI examination. The disadvantage of all-ceramic crowns is that they are more expensive and maintenance is not easy.

For more information about the advantages and disadvantages of crowns, we recommend consulting your state's De Han Dental Hospital. The DH Dental Group's hospitals are built according to the international medical industry's more stringent "JCI" standards, with the innovative "3H operation service concept", that is, a set of hospital (Hospital) protection, hotel (Hotel) services and home (Home) warmth in one. The innovative "3H operation and service concept", which combines the security of a hospital, the service of a hotel, and the warmth of a home, is integrated into every detail of each affiliated organization. At the same time, "6S" management is y implanted in the hearts of every employee. And always adhering to the "good experts, good technology, good equipment, good environment, good service," the five good ideas.