What is facial resurfacing all about?

What is facial resurfacing? Facial grinding and cosmetic surgery, also known as dermabrasion, is a cosmetic method that uses a grinding head to remove the epidermis and papillary layer of the dermis from the lesion to improve the appearance. This method can effectively treat small post-acne scars, large freckles, small pits after smallpox or chicken pox, rosacea, milia, sebaceous nevus, shallow tattoos and pigmented dust in the skin, sweat duct tumors and other cosmetically disfiguring dermatological conditions. Among them, it is most effective for small post-acne scars, smallpox pits, and freckles in people with white skin color. Using grinding cosmetic surgery to treat shallow acne scars and freckles, one time can get more satisfactory results; but for smallpox, chicken pox marks and deeper acne scars need 2-3 times of treatment to have better results. Some people ask for one-time grinding, is unrealistic, because the depth of each grinding skin is limited, generally can not exceed 0.5-0.7 mm, or grinding too deep damage to the dermis, after the healing will still leave scars. What is Facial Abrasion? Facial resurfacing is not as simple as people think, although general anesthesia is not necessary, but the operation must be carried out in a sterile operating room. In addition to wearing a surgical gown and cap and a mask, the surgeon must also wear glasses with large frames to prevent splashes in the eyes from the liquid that swirls up when the machine is turned on. There are a variety of instruments used for skin abrasion, the most commonly used being a dental drill with different types of steel grinding wheels. This type of machine is less laborious to use and can grind skin lesions to a considerable depth. This type of grinding is a delicate and precise skin procedure. While the grinding wheel is flying around, just like a milling machine turning and milling metal parts, the assistant needs to take saline drops with a syringe of oil and spray it to the area to be ground, in order to prevent the local skin from heating up and causing cellular damage. If it is after the explosion injury caused by the skin retained iron filings, cinders and other foreign objects, but also should be carefully picked out of the needle. Cosmetic resurfacing should both abrade the old skin lesions and protect the good skin. It is important to take into account the depth of grinding, too shallow can not remove the skin lesions, pigmentation, can not achieve the therapeutic purpose, too deep will damage the dermis, there will still be scars in the future.