1.1 Ground, door, window, ceiling, wall, floor drain, pool.
1.2 Equipment, pipes, ducts.
1.3 Containers, waste receptacles for material transfer.
1.4 Cleaning tools and appliances.
2. Cleaning qualification standards.
2.1 The ground is clean, doors, windows, glass, walls, roof clean and intact, floor drain pool clean and free of foreign objects.
2.2 Equipment, piping, pipeline arrangement and wrapping clean, keep clean, no running, bubbling, dripping, leaking phenomenon, regular cleaning, maintenance records.
2.3 Transit containers stored in accordance with the provisions of the internal and external clean, waste receptacles clean and no foreign matter.
2.4 Packaging materials must be thoroughly cleaned into the clean area.
2.5 Cleaning tools are clean and stored according to regulations.
3. Cleaners and disinfectants needed for environmental cleaning:
Purified water, drinking water, 75% ethanol, 0.1% Neosporin, formaldehyde (37%-40% 8-9ml/m3) fumigation.
4. Frequency of cleaning
4.1 Daily
4.1.1 Remove and clean waste receptacles.
4.1.2 Wipe down doors, windows, floors, indoor tables, chairs, benches, cabinets, and equipment exteriors.
4.1.3 Wipe stains from walls, sinks and other facilities.
4.1.4 Wash and clean containers for transferring materials.
4.1.5 Cleaning of tools for cleaning.
4.2 Weekly
4.2.1 Wipe down windows, doors, walls, indoor utensils, and the exterior of equipment with a disinfectant cleaner.
4.2.2 Scrub floors, waste receptacles, floor drains, etc. with a disinfectant cleaner.
4.3 Monthly
4.3.1 Comprehensively wipe down workplaces, walls, ceilings, lighting, exhaust and other appurtenances.
4.3.2 Disinfection according to the indoor disinfection cycle and bacteriological inspection.
4.3.3 Every three months
Solid preparation workshop, syrup workshop, tincture workshop, eye and nose drops workshop, suppository workshop, ointment workshop with formaldehyde fumigation disinfection of the clean area; ingot workshop, topical preparation workshop because there is no ozone generator, so with formaldehyde and acetic acid fumigation disinfection of the clean area on a monthly basis, and its disinfectant rotation.
Job operators clean the production environment according to the cleaning frequency, QA quality supervisors check the cleaning effect of the production area, and re-clean the ones that don't meet the requirements, and no other activities related to production are allowed to be carried out when they are not cleaned and qualified.
Process hygiene refers to the health status of each workstation involved in the process protocol, including the environment, equipment, personnel, materials, health status