sw how to use advanced assembly skills?SolIDWorks advanced assembly skills!

SolidWorks abbreviation (SW) is a new generation of Dassault introduced for the electrical industry design of mechanical 3D design tools. SolidWorks Chinese version of the use of a new parallel and serial product development environment and *** enjoy the 3DCAD model, and is widely used in the design of parts, the design of machinery and equipment, medical equipment, automotive, aerospace and other industries; SolidWorks can meet the user directly add a variety of auxiliary plug-ins, connected to a variety of NC programming software and directly print the model use needs. Industry; SolidWorks can meet the user directly in the software to add a variety of auxiliary plug-ins, connect a variety of NC programming software and directly print the model of the use of demand. About the power of solidworks, in fact, I believe that many partners also have a certain understanding, but for the mastery of the software as well as the use of the software, may be a lot of partners are still scratching their heads! It doesn't matter, if you want to learn how to use solidworks, you've come to the right place. A wealth of solidworks boutique video courses, take you one by one to break through the software basic to advanced operation

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SolidWorks advanced assembly skills

SolidWorks advanced assembly skills are coordination skills, with the speed of the calculation: the relationship between the coordination (coincidental, parallel), the logic of the fit (width, cams, gears), the distance / angle of the fit, the finite fit, the use of sub components.

Using subassemblies organizes the product according to the product hierarchy and avoids adding all the parts to one assembly. For subassemblies, once the design is changed, only the subassemblies that need to be updated will be updated, otherwise, all the fittings in the assembly will be updated. Assortment Matching Program 1. Assortment matching is the assembly of most parts to one or two fixed parts. Avoid using chain fits, which are more prone to error.

2. For a large number of matched parts, using datum axes and datum planes as matching pairs can make the matching scheme clear and less prone to error.3. Try to avoid cyclic co-operation, which leads to potential errors and is difficult to eliminate.4. Try to avoid redundant co-ordination:While SolidWorks allows for redundant co-ordination (except for distance and angular co-ordination), redundancy slows down the co-ordination calculations. Coordination schemes are harder to understand and harder to check for errors once they occur.5. Fix coordination errors as soon as they occur. Adding a fit will never fix a previous fit problem.6. Drag components to roughly the correct position and orientation before adding a fit, as this will give the fit solution application a better chance of snapping the component to the correct position.

7. Minimize the use of constrained coordination, which is slower to compute and more prone to errors;

8. If it is possible to reduce the degrees of freedom, try to fully locate the component. Components with a large number of degrees of freedom are slower to solve and prone to unpredictable results when dragged.

9. For parts that have already been located or repaired, repairing rather than matching can speed up calculations.

10. If parts are causing problems, rather than diagnosing each fit, it is often easier to delete all fits and recreate them. (*** Alignment/reverse alignment and dimensional direction conflicts);

11. When drawing parts, try to completely define all sketches. It is not recommended to copy sketches directly into computer-aided design for modeling. Inaccurate sketches are more likely to produce pairing errors and are extremely difficult to analyze for the cause of the error.

12. Avoid circular referencesMost circular references occur when matching to related features and sometimes to pattern components. If the component needs to be rebuilt at least twice to get the correct result, there may be circular references in the component.

Cooperating with referencesCooperating with references:Specifies one or more entities of a component to be used as a reference for automatically adding a fitWhen a part with a matching reference is inserted into an assembly, the software automatically adds the appropriate fit relationship based on the matching reference to speed up the assembly. Note:Coordinating references are mainly used for standard parts.

Working with Reference CasesThe parts Sleeve, Shaft 01, and Shaft 02 each have a Matching Reference called Shaft, which is defined as follows:If the Sleeve is part of an assembly, they will automatically match when you insert Shaft 01 into the assembly. However, if Axis 02 is inserted, it will not automatically match the sleeve because their references contain different solid numbers.

Smart CoordinationSmart Coordination allows you to add coordination using shortcut keys, which makes coordination faster. The shortcut key is Alt and the Tab key is used to toggle the direction of the match. Smart fit is used for overlap and concentric fit types. You can drag and drop:Linear or Rounded EdgesTemporary Shaft VerticesAircraftCylindrical/Conical SurfacesViews are suitable for displaying the matching relationship of one or more components.

Look at the misfit warning: there is a problem with the coordination, such as excessive constraints. Error:Coordination cannot be resolved, e.g., conflicting constraints. Forced CollaborationDisplay and SelectionControlsYou can control the display and hiding of components in the body of an assembly, display modes, appearance, and transparency.

Assembly EnvelopeAn assembly envelope is a special type of assembly part. It is a reference component that will be ignored during the entire assembly operation (material planning, quality characterization, etc.). . This feature allows you to select components based on their position relative to the envelope entity (inside, outside, or intersecting). You can use envelopes to quickly change the display status of component elements. You can also use envelopes (alone or in combination with file attributes) to select components for other editing operations, such as compression, copying, or deletion. Envelope components must be solid (not shell-painted). This is because envelope selection is based on the interference between the functional component elements and the envelope component volume. Instead, it is based on the components contained in the envelope component bounding box. Mirrored Components You can add new components by mirroring existing components, and you can generate left and right side components by mirroring them. Array componentsArray components include linear arrays, circular arrays, and feature-driven arrays.

Assembly featuresIn the assembly body, you can generate cut, hole, fillet, and chamfer features. Cut This feature exists only in the assembly body. You can also specify the parts affected by the feature by setting the range. You can say that the assembly feature is fed into the affected parts.

Smart Parts In the body of an assembly, you can generate cut, hole, fillet, and chamfer features. Cutting this feature exists only in the assembly body. You can also specify the parts affected by the feature by setting the range. You can say that the assembly feature is fed into the affected parts. Comprehensive Case Study

So, this is the end of today's SolidWorks Advanced Assembly Skills! We must learn to see more, practice more, think more, learn more, I hope we can all learn solidworks soon! Here, but also to provide you with more courses to learn, click the link: