Is French social welfare the best in the world

Some of the best welfare benefits in the world

One, France: Citizens are protected by more than 400 kinds of benefits from their mother's birth to death. French social welfare is characterized by regardless of nationality, as long as there is a legal residence status in France, you can enjoy. National education is free all the way from elementary school to university, and if the family income is lower than a certain standard, the child can receive a subsidy of 249.07 euros at the beginning of each semester. French health insurance is free for all, and depending on personal income, citizens pay up to one week's minimum wage per year, while the unemployed are exempted from paying this fee.

The United States: Elementary to high school education in the United States is free of charge, and college education is mainly funded by the government, with students paying only a small portion. College tuition is less than $1,500 per year, about 1/30th of the average annual income of a working person in the U.S. To ensure that the children of the poor are able to attend college, the government provides various forms of financial assistance to poor families.? The U.S. health care benefits cover everyone, with a massive $2.2 trillion invested annually in health care expenditures, accounting for 16% of GDP and 20.8% of government expenditures. The basic healthcare guideline is: rich or poor, you see the doctor first, you pay later. If you have money, then the insurance company pays, with the premiums covered in small part by the individual and in large part by the government; if you are poor, then the government pays, even for hospitalized meals.

Three, Britain: refugees also enjoy high welfare, social welfare spending accounted for 25.9% of GDP. The UK has free healthcare for all. Education before the university stage in the UK is free of charge, and 90% of college students at the university stage are also eligible for government subsidies. So, for low-income families, education is free all the way from kindergarten to university. Social welfare in the UK covers all people living in the UK.

Four, Germany: buy "Viagra" also reimbursement, social welfare spending accounted for 27.6% of GDP. For families in need, social welfare almost everything, receive the relief payment is only "pocket money", the purchase of daily necessities worth more than 30.68 euros by the Social Welfare Agency to pay the bill. In the German state of Hesse, there is a Mr. F. who lives on social assistance and receives a monthly benefit of 350 euros and a pension of 112 euros from the Social Welfare Office, which at the same time pays the rent for his 100 square metre house. The government also has to pay 4,900 euros a year for Viagra, as Mr. Foo relies on sexually stimulating drugs to have a normal sex life.

Yes, by contrast