Disaster meaning and sentence creation

Disaster pinyin

Pinyin: zai qing

Disaster explanation

Meaning: the situation of disaster.

Disaster in a sentence:

1. The disaster is serious.

2. As the disaster situation in Japan continues to develop, measures to alleviate the chaotic situation are also continuing to deepen.

3. Another major disaster occurred, this time in China, but it also gave Myanmar’s generals a chance to see how the government should respond to the disaster.

4. From the day the disaster occurred, Premier Wen arrived at the disaster area as soon as possible and directed earthquake relief, disaster relief, and rescue operations in a temporary tent.

5. However, a person in charge of Qinghai police told CCTV that they lacked appropriate equipment to respond to disasters.

6. Focus on children and how to better prepare them for disaster situations.

7. China will continue to pay close attention to the development of the disaster and provide more assistance to the affected countries within its capacity.

8. The lives of tens of thousands of people are in danger, which is actually the most severe disaster order.

9. Two weeks after northeastern Japan was hit by a massive earthquake and tsunami, the damage caused by the disaster is becoming increasingly clear.

10. Doctors from the Islamic Medical Association of North America are no strangers to providing medical aid during disasters: they treated the sick and wounded during the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia, and during the conflict in the Gaza Strip in 2009 passing injured persons.

11. Paul Danahar of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) said in a special report on May 14 that he once became a "wanted target in Myanmar" after reporting on the disaster in Myanmar. ".

12. USAID also provides disaster assessment assistance to the Bahamas government, and provides assessment and assistance to Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.

13. "Local military groups must allow our disaster assessment teams to enter their territory," President Bush told reporters, adding that he was prepared to allow the U.S. Navy to potentially participate in the search. and rescue.

14. When he learned of the disaster, on May 12 last year, he knew they had to act quickly.

15. The United States Geological Survey said that a 6.9-magnitude earthquake first occurred near the Solomon Islands on Tuesday, followed by a 5.5-magnitude earthquake. There are currently no reports of damage from the two earthquakes.

16. The current disaster situation in Japan has become more complicated due to the fire and the explosion of the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

17. Through Pakistan’s mobile phone network, they can communicate with each other about the latest flood disaster situation; learn about valuable grants and business opportunity information; and can also publish the latest aid news.

18. Some local mayors said that seaweed has been plaguing this stretch of coastline for more than a decade. So far, more than 70 beaches have been affected by seaweed, and the extent of the damage this year is unprecedented.

19. A boat carrying relief supplies including food, water, medical equipment and body bags arrived in Sikak, North Bagai Island, on Thursday. Sikkak is one of the two hardest-hit islands in the Mentawai.

20. Wu Ti said that it is urgent to strengthen emergency disaster response.

21. The Pakistani government stated that they can cope with the disaster and do not need international assistance yet.