1, the examination content is different
Marital examination: pre-marital medical examination, pre-marital health guidance, pre-marital health counseling.
Medical examination: the focus of the examination is the heart, lungs, liver, gallbladder, stomach and other vital organs and blood pressure.
2, the significance of the examination is different
Marital examination: it is conducive to marital happiness after marriage.
The physical examination: in order to understand the health status of the examinee, early detection of disease clues and health hazards.
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Expanded Information: Precautions for Physical Examinations: I. Electrocardiography: You should take a quiet break of about 5 minutes before the examination, and you should not be The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the body of the person you're examining, and you'll be able to see if you've got a good idea of what you're looking for. Before performing the satiety test and the double step II exercise test, you should also fast on the day of the test. Second, the electroencephalogram: 1 day before the examination to wash hair, and can not use hair oil. Stop taking sedatives, stimulants and other drugs that act on the nervous system 24 hours before the test to avoid the formation of artifacts during the test, which will affect the judgment of the test results. The EEG examination must be conducted within 3 hours after meal, if the person who can not eat before the examination, then follow the doctor's arrangement, oral 50 grams of powdered sugar liquid or intravenous injection of 50% dextrose 40 ml, in order to prevent the results of the examination due to hypoglycemia and affect the results of the examination. Third, thyroid iodine test: the test must be fasting, can not take iodine-containing preparations or eat iodine-rich foods, such as kelp, jellyfish, seaweed, etc. before the test. Fourth, the kidney map test: before the test must be empty urine, no tea and coffee, can not take diuretics. Fifth, fiberoptic endoscopy: bronchial fiberoptic examination 4 hours before the fasting, water, so as not to cause vomiting due to the stimulation of the examination. Those who wear movable dentures must remove them before the examination to prevent the dentures from falling off and accidentally entering the trachea or esophagus during the examination. Gastroscopy should be fasted for 6 to 8 hours before the examination to prevent vomiting during intubation and to affect what is seen during the examination, and the bowels should be emptied before the examination. Enteroscopy should eat a diet with little residue 3 days before the examination, take laxatives 1 day before the examination, and take an enema 3 hours before the examination to empty the feces in the intestinal lumen. Sixth, CT examination: to do abdominal CT examination must be fasting, water, so as to avoid the formation of artifacts, affecting the quality of CT images. Other parts of the CT examination is not necessary to fasting and water. Seven, selective cardiovascular imaging: fasting 3 to 4 hours before the examination. Practice carefully the movements you need to do during the examination taught by your doctor, such as inhaling and closing your breath, in order to cooperate with the examination. /baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%A9%9A%E5%89%8D%E6%A3%80%E6%9F%A5/720172?fr=aladdin&fromid=774797&fromtitle=%E5%A9%9A%E6%%A3%80#1". A3%80#1 "target="_blank "title="Baidu Encyclopedia - Marriage Test">Baidu Encyclopedia - Marriage Test /baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%BD%93%E6%A3%80/522464?fr=aladdin#3 "target="_ blank "title="Baidu Encyclopedia - Physical Examination">Baidu Encyclopedia - Physical Examination