Simply put, acne is the excessive secretion of oil, resulting in the blockage of pores, leading to a large number of bacteria, caused by the inflammation of the hair follicles
Our own secretion factors, sebaceous glands, improper personal care and genetic factors, etc., are more prone to secreting too much oil. For people with acne because of the stimulation of skin inflammation, so that the skin has acne repeatedly, the worse the skin's immunity, will be a vicious circle week after week.
4. External factors of repeated acne
Many friends will find that the acne medications and methods mentioned in previous articles are different. That's right, this is the one-to-one precision skincare that I advocate, because there is no single medication or method that will work for all of my friends who have acne.
Medications that can be used topically such as retinoids such as adapalene gel; benzoyl peroxide gel; antibiotics such as clindamycin and fusidic acid; and selenium disulfide lotion can be used in conjunction with to cleanse the skin.
Medical skincare products contain ingredients that target acne: salicylic acid, azelaic acid, aloe vera gel, and more.