What is the tax rate of VAT simplified collection of financial leasing
In accordance with the following provisions Payment of VAT: (i) A general taxpayer leasing its real estate acquired before April 30, 2016 may choose to apply the simplified taxing method and calculate the tax payable in accordance with the tax rate of 5%. (ii) General taxpayers renting out their immovable properties acquired after May 1, 2016 are subject to the general tax calculation method. If the location of the immovable property and the location of the organization are not in the same county (city or district), the taxpayer shall pay the tax in advance to the competent state tax authority of the location of the immovable property in accordance with the advance levy rate of 3% and declare the tax to the competent state tax authority of the location of the organization. If the location of the real estate and the location of the organization are in the same county (city or district), the taxpayer should declare the tax to the competent state tax authority of the location of the organization.