Where does a programmer's sense of accomplishment come from?

A programmer's sense of accomplishment comes from the programs he invents. In. Everyday life plays a big role, and there are no bugs. praised by the neighboring colleagues. Praise. His sense of accomplishment will burst out from the bottom of his heart.

I think the greatest sense of accomplishment comes from their own work is loved by users, I have developed two programs with more than 100 million users

A Jinshan wordmaster, a YY voice.

But the most fulfilling one is not these two, but "Kingsoft Rogue", a single game modifier. Because this is another student and I completely out of their own interests and needs and the development of the program, before joining Kingsoft made a prototype, even the name is not, by Kingsoft packaging into a formal product to sell, only to take the name of Kingsoft Rogue.

Only a few tens of thousands of sets of the original version of this product were sold, and sales were just over a million dollars, which, after expenses for development, production, and sales, may still be a loss. It's WordBuster that's profitable, but not by much, just 10 or 20 million in sales per year.

There are still people using Ranger in recent years, and it actually runs on Windows now. Microsoft's ability and determination to maintain binary compatibility is really amazing, because Kingsoft Ranger hasn't continued to be developed and maintained for 14 years since 3.0.

Some people have also asked

Why doesn't Kingsman release a new version? -

Jinshan Ranger is developed by two programmers, one is me, but I left Kingsoft in 2004, of course, can not take the code out of their own modification release, because the copyright belongs to Kingsoft.

The other programmer is still at Kingsoft, but he's very busy because he's CEO at Kingsoft.