Immovable property (immovable property), the simple point is that the personal property can not be moved, refers to the nature of the natural or legal provisions of the property can not be moved, such as land, houses, prospecting rights, mining rights and other land attachments, and land has not yet been detached from the land of the land generated by the land, due to the natural or human attachments to the land and can not be separated from other objects, such as the land, houses, prospecting rights, mining rights and other land attachments. Other things.
The types of real estate in China are as follows: land, buildings, structures and objects attached to land and buildings (structures).
Expanded information:
For example, the fruits on the fruit trees in an orchard are immovable property when they are hanging on the tree, but if they are picked, they become movable property. Steel, cement, etc. are chattels, but when they are used to make a house, they become immovable property.
What does "real estate" mean?
Real estate refers to land, buildings and other fixed objects attached to land, including material entities and their related interests.
Things like computers, TVs, and desks are usually immobile, but they are not real estate. This is because these things are movable and do not lose value by being moved. These things do not move in reality, because you do not want to move, not can not move. So your computer, TV, desk, etc. are all chattels.
The definition of movable and immovable property also varies from country to country. Now, the international community is not simply whether to move and such as moving whether the value of the depreciation caused as the only standard to define movable and immovable property, but a comprehensive consideration of the size of the value of the object, the legal elements of the change of property rights and other factors. For example, airplanes, ships, etc., are internationally defined as immovable property. Because of its value is large, for the change of property rights to the administrative organs for registration, and so on.
Movable and immovable property is sometimes interchangeable. For example, the orchard fruit on the tree, hanging in the fruit tree is immovable property, but if picked down, it becomes movable property. Steel and cement are chattels, but when they are made into houses, they become immovable property.
A debtor is a person who is financially obligated to repay. That is, "I owe people"
Creditor refers to the right to request the other party to repay a certain value in the economy, that is, "people owe me"
Real estate: refers to can not be moved or such as moving that will damage its economic utility and economic value of things, such as land and fixed in a house. The things, such as land and fixed on the land buildings, bridges, trees and so on. As opposed to movable property.
What is the meaning of real estate in a house now?
Real estate is just the meaning of "immovable property".
What the agent said about lifetime ownership is an exaggeration and false information. The 70-year property right is only calculated from the land grant, that is, when the land is built, from when it is counted, not when you buy the house.
After the full 70 years, your children continue to pay fees to the state to renew, you can also continue to live. If the state *** to demolish, will compensate you for the corresponding demolition fee.
Extended information real estate is a form of division of property. The most central type of real estate is land.
And based on the land and then expand, there are other types. In law there is a distinction between the doctrine of separation and the doctrine of absorption.
According to the absorption theory, the house is absorbed by the land and becomes an integral part of the land and cannot be a separate real estate. Similarly, crops and other attachments on the land are also absorbed by the land and also become part of the land and cannot become separate immovable property.
Therefore, according to the definition of immovable property and the theory of absorption, only land is immovable property in entity. The doctrine of absorption can be said to be traditional jurisprudence, but this system has evolved with the modern economy.
For example, Germany, in order to emphasize the value of the house, so that it is separate from the land in value, but not contrary to the traditional jurisprudence, put forward the system of the right of the ground, and then according to the theory of absorption, let the right of the ground to absorb the house, which is also in line with the theory of the theory of the theory of absorption. While some other countries put forward the doctrine of separation contrary to this.
According to the doctrine of separation, the land and the things attached to the land (especially the things of obvious value, such as houses) are separated into different real estates. If a house is built on the land, the land and the house are different immovable properties, but in general, there will be a consistent or coordinated system, such as Japan, therefore, the legal leasehold and legal right of the ground, so that the land is a separate immovable property, the legal leasehold or the legal right of the ground and the house are combined into a separate immovable property, and then it is in line with the traditional jurisprudence.
In general, countries have stipulated the types of real estate, such as China's regulations on the types of real estate are as follows: land, buildings, structures, and additions to the land and buildings (structures).
What does real estate mean?
Land that is immovable by nature or by law, land holdings, land products that have not yet been detached from the land, and other things that are attached to the land by nature or by human beings and cannot be detached. It includes material entities and the rights and interests that depend on them.
The civil law of the object, refers to the existence of the person outside, can meet the social needs of people and can be actually controlled or dominated by the material object. According to different standards, things can be divided into movable and immovable property, circulation and restriction of circulation, specific specific things and kinds of things, main things and subordinate things, divisible and indivisible things, originals and fruits, and masters and masterless things.
Among them, the division of movable and immovable property, is whether the object can move and whether to move and damage its value as a division standard. Chattels are able to move without damage to its value or use. Real estate is that which cannot be moved or whose value or use would be impaired if it were moved.
Dude, your computer, your TV, your desk, things like that don't normally move, but they're not real estate. That's because you have all these things that can be moved and don't depreciate in value by being moved. These things don't move in reality because you don't want to move them, not because you can't move them. So your computer, TV, desk, etc. are all chattels.
The definition of movable and immovable property also varies from country to country. Now, the international community is not simply whether the ability to move and such as moving whether the value of the depreciation caused as the definition of movable and immovable property as the sole criterion, but a comprehensive consideration of the size of the value of the object, the legal elements of the change of property rights and other factors. For example, airplanes, ships, etc., are internationally defined as immovable property. Because of its value is large, for the change of property rights to the administrative organs for registration, and so on.
Movable and immovable property are sometimes interchangeable. For example, the fruit on the tree in your orchard is immovable property when it hangs on the tree, but if it is picked, it becomes movable property. Steel and cement are chattels, but when you make a house out of them, it becomes real estate.
Real estate: refers to things that can not be moved or if moved that will damage its economic utility and economic value, such as land and buildings fixed to the land, bridges, trees and so on. Relative to movable property.
What is the meaning of real estate real estate?
What are the characteristics of real estate?
Each class of auction subject has its own specificity, this specificity is linked to the characteristics of the subject matter of the class, real estate has the following characteristics:
(a) the location of the fixed and immovable.
(b) The long-term use.
(c) The diversity of influencing factors.
(d) Large investment.
(5) value-added.
Third, what are the categories of real estate?
As real estate is composed of land and buildings and structures on the ground, land and houses can be categorized in the following ways:
(a) Classification of land use:
According to the "Provisions of Urban Land Classification and Planning and Construction Land Use Standards", urban land can be divided into nine categories:
1, residential land
2, Public utility land (including commercial land)
3. Industrial land
4. Warehousing land
5. External transportation land
6. Roads and squares land
7. Municipal utility land
8. Greening land
9. Special land
(2) According to the use of the house Classification:
According to the use of housing functions can be divided into eight categories:
1, residential
2, industrial plants and warehouses
3, shopping malls and stores
4, office buildings
5, hotels
6, sports and cultural recreational facilities
7, *** and public utilities
8, multi-purpose buildings (complex buildings)
Fourth, what is the real estate industry?
(a) The real estate industry is an industry engaged in land and real estate development, operation, management and services.
(2) The real estate industry mainly includes some of the following:
1, the transfer of state-owned land use rights, real estate development and redevelopment, such as land requisition, demolition and relocation, commissioned planning and design, organization of development and construction, redevelopment of land in old urban areas, etc.;
2, real estate management, including the transfer of land use rights, leasing, mortgaging, and sale of housing activities;
4 What is the real estate industry?
(1) The real estate industry refers to the land and real estate development, management and service industry. Leasing, mortgaging and other activities;
3, real estate intermediary services, including real estate consulting, valuation and brokerage agency, property management.
4, real estate regulation and management, that is, the establishment of real estate capital market, technology market, labor market, information market, the development of reasonable real estate prices, the establishment and improvement of real estate regulations, in order to achieve the state's macro-control of the real estate market
What is the real estate, real estate includes what?
Real estate refers to the land and the fixed objects on the land. Including a variety of buildings, such as houses, bridges, TV towers, underground drainage facilities, etc.; growing on the land of all kinds of plants, such as trees, crops, flowers and plants, etc., it is necessary to explain that the fruit of the plant has not yet been picked, harvested before the trees have not yet been cut down before the ground is fixed, belonging to the immovable property, once the picking, harvesting, cut down, out of the land, belonging to the movable property. (Movable property is property other than real property. Such as machinery and equipment, vehicles, animals, all kinds of daily necessities and so on.
Real estate is characterized by the land can not be separated or immovable, once separated from the land or move will change its nature or greatly reduce its value. For example, once the building moves or leaves the land will not become a building, its value will be greatly reduced. A movable property, on the other hand, can be moved at will and its value is not affected."
The above is the civil law interpretation of real estate and movable property
Real estate specifically includes what
Real estate: refers to can not be moved or such as moving that will damage its economic utility and economic value of things, such as land and fixed on the land of the buildings, bridges, trees and so on. As opposed to movable property.
CPI (Consumer Price Index).PPI (Industrial Price Index).PPI's rise on the one hand, can be seen in the enterprise cost pressure is too heavy, profit margins are compressed, the future is facing the need for deep structural adjustment more and more strongly; on the other hand, the price pressure of the upper reaches of the river will be gradually transmitted to the lower reaches of the river, and the future of the CPI upward pressure is gradually revealed.
Producer Price Index (PPI): The main purpose of the PPI is to measure the price changes of various commodities at different stages of production. Generally speaking, the production of goods is divided into three stages: First, the completion stage: the goods to this point no longer do any processing procedures; Second, the intermediate stage: the goods still need to be further processed; Third, the original stage: the goods have not yet done any processing.
Consumer Price Index (CPI): The CPI tracks the cost of living each month to calculate inflation. If the CPI has risen by 2.3% in the last 12 months, it means that the cost of living has risen by an average of 2.3% from 12 months ago. When the cost of living goes up, the value of your money goes down. In our example, a $100 bill received a year ago would only buy $97.70 worth of goods and services today.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is published monthly and covers the prices of necessities such as food, new and used cars, gasoline, housing, college tuition, utilities, clothing, and medical care. In addition, the CPI also mixes in the cost of certain amenities, such as tickets to sporting events and dinners at fine restaurants.
producer price index PPI
The PPI is smaller than the CPI, suggesting that the current level of inflation is not a result of cost-push inflation, but rather a result of consumer demand.
What does real estate mean
Real estate refers to tangible property that cannot be moved, or if it is moved, it will change its nature and impair its value, including land and its possessions, including material entities and their related interests. Such as buildings and plants growing on the land.
Movable property refers to things that can be moved without jeopardizing their economic use and economic value. As opposed to real estate.
The division of movable and immovable property is based on whether the object can be moved and whether the value is damaged by movement as a criterion. Movable property is able to move without damage to its value or use. Immovable property is something that cannot be moved or whose value or use would be jeopardized if it were moved. Things like TVs and refrigerators are not usually moved, but they are not real estate. Because these things can be moved and do not lose their value if they are moved. Movable and immovable property are sometimes interchangeable. For example, steel and cement are movable property, but if you make a house out of it, it becomes immovable property.