What are the benefits of sewage treatment?

In recent years, due to the discharge of industrial sewage and the waste of water resources, we pay more attention to water resources, and China has successively promulgated the implementation standards for domestic drinking water sewage and industrial wastewater. With the restrictions of these standards, sewage can no longer be discharged indiscriminately. Here, I want to introduce the benefits of sewage treatment. 1. Improve water quality. After the sewage is treated, the water quality is filtered and eliminated again and again from the original pollution situation, so that the pollution degree of water is greatly reduced and the water can be reused.

2. Rational utilization of water resources, so that the water circulation in the upstream area will not affect the water function in the downstream waters, and social circulation will not destroy the objective law of natural circulation, thus maintaining or restoring a good water environment in cities and even river basins is an effective way for sustainable utilization of water resources.

3. Improve the ecological environment, upgrade the city's taste and promote economic development. Because if sewage is discharged into rivers without treatment, it will not only pollute the environment, but also adversely affect the quality of people's domestic water.

4. Promote the water circulation system. The natural circulation of water is an unbalanced open system with self-organization structure, while the social circulation of water is a balanced system with artificial organization structure.

5. Protect buildings, industries and other facilities. As we all know, water will cause serious corrosion to metal equipment and pipelines. Because of its high salinity, oily sewage in oil fields dissolves dissolved oxygen in different degrees in acid gases such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. This kind of water treatment and reinjection will cause corrosion to the treatment facilities and reinjection system.

The above contents are the benefits of sewage treatment. The domestic sewage treatment produced by the sewage treatment equipment company of Anhui Baolv Photoelectric Engineering Co., Ltd. has a very good treatment effect on domestic sewage, low investment cost and extremely convenient use and maintenance. It can be said that it is an economical and easy-to-use sewage treatment equipment.