Sleeping snoring noisy sleep how to do?

1, change the position: let snoring people try not to sleep on the back position, try to sleep on the side position, left or right side sleep can be.

2, weight loss: most people who snore are fat, you can lose weight.

3, hospital: let snoring people go to the hospital to check out, can be surgical treatment can be surgical treatment, can not be surgical treatment, you can sleep wearing oral orthodontic device, ventilator or other equipment to clear the airway, reduce snoring.

4, wearing headphones: family members wear headphones to sleep, reduce snoring interference.

First aid for noisy sleep includes self-treatment as well as treatment of the patient.

1, self-treatment: someone snoring, noisy sleep, you can wear soundproof earplugs, can effectively reduce the snoring sound into the ear, so as to promote sleep, or you can change the room, away from snoring people, to improve the quality of sleep.

2, the treatment of patients: you need to let the patient snoring to the hospital to do a detailed examination, such as arterial blood gas analysis examination, electrocardiogram examination, chest X-ray examination, to make clear the cause of snoring, according to the cause of symptomatic treatment. If the snoring is caused by hypertrophy of adenoids, adenoidectomy or low temperature plasma ablation can be used to achieve the treatment purpose. If nasal polyps, you can choose fluticasone propionate nasal spray, tretinoin nasal spray nasal spray treatment, is conducive to reducing the inflammatory response, shrinking the polyps, prompting the nasal drainage, if necessary, the feasibility of surgical methods to remove the polyps, to alleviate the phenomenon of people snoring, so noisy that you can not sleep.

Snoring is a kind of disease, if snoring is louder and affects the surrounding people, you can put on the earplugs to reduce the impact of external factors on sleep.

Snoring is a neglected disease, you need to go to the local hospital respiratory department in time to do a polysomnography, according to the results of the severity of snoring, at night, you can let him lie on his side to sleep, open the airway, if there is a hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa, you may need to carry out surgical treatment.