Ma Huateng's 2020 epiphany: another big shuffle is about to begin, and those who can't get on board will gradually fall behind

As 2020 is about to enter the final month of the countdown, Tencent Group has produced a special annual publication called "Three Views". Officially, this annual special issue is "a one-year record of Tencent's growth and major changes".

In the past year, Ma Huateng missed a lot of activities and communicated less with the outside world because of his health, but through the book "Three Views", Ma Huateng wrote down some of his insights from the past year in the foreword.

Ma Huateng said that there are some key opportunities in the growth of the enterprise, across the past can fly farther, across the past will fall behind, or even fall. In its view, now an exciting opportunity is coming, "mobile Internet ten years of development, is about to usher in the next wave of upgrading, we call it the full real Internet".

According to Ma Huateng, a series of basic technologies from real-time communication to audio and video are ready, and the rapid increase in computing power is driving richer changes in the mode of information contact and human-computer interaction. This is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change, it means the integration of online and offline, the integration of physical and electronic ways. The door between the virtual world and the real world has been opened, both from virtual to real, or from real to virtual, are committed to helping users realize a more realistic experience.

And for Tencent, this is both an opportunity and a challenge. "With the promotion of new technologies such as VR, new hardware and software in a variety of different scenarios, I believe another big shuffle is about to begin. Just like the mobile Internet transition, those who can't get on board will gradually fall behind."

The following is the foreword written by Ma Huateng in Three Views

Regardless of how the times have changed, there are some foundational principles in the business world that will not change. For example, creating value for users and going to the front line to identify problems.

Tencent has been around for 22 years, and we have accumulated our own corporate culture. I also often think about what is the most basic thing for Tencent people. Whether it's for people or for the company, the choices you make in moments of great challenge often best highlight your true values and simplest beliefs.

2020 will undoubtedly be a challenging year. In this year, we are worried about the new crown epidemic and changes in the international situation, but also for the company in the face of challenges to show the unity and cooperation, resilience and commitment to feel gratified. From the outbreak of the epidemic in Wuhan at the beginning of the year, which then spread globally, the deteriorating relationship between China and the U.S., and WeChat's involvement in a dispute in the U.S. in August, all kinds of uncertainties have increased like never before. The industry landscape has also changed dramatically, with new unicorns, companies ranging from billions and tens of billions to hundreds of billions of dollars, growing up rapidly.

In the rapidly iterating industry of the Internet, the development of a company is only in progress, not finished. As a 22-year-old company, how do we continue to grow, looking back on this past special year, I have some insights.

Looking inward, truly valuable needs are simple and plain

Tencent Meeting, which has rushed to hundreds of millions of users this year, started from the simplest internal need of meeting screen casting, and polished and molded it over two or three years. When Xiaolong and his team were working on QQ mailboxes, the team, including me, turned QQ mailboxes into their own work mailboxes. The user's needs are complex and changing, and sometimes it is hard for the user to clearly express what they really need.

So looking inward and thinking of yourself as a user is a good approach. The really important needs are the ones that have ****. When we first did instant messaging, we judged whether a feature was good or bad, and whether the user liked it or not, and we would ask ourselves: is this practical, is it good, is it easy to use? We instinctively capture user value with a user's mindset, not rationally, but instinctively. It's such a simple approach, plain, direct, and effective.

Go to the front line, find the battlefield, find the method

Tencent's advertising data management platform (DMP) has gone through a large-scale reorganization this year, and the data team went to the front line and communicated directly with the pitchers (people responsible for operating the platform's advertising in the customer's enterprise -- editor's note). The data team went to the front line and communicated directly with the pitchers (the people responsible for operating the platform's advertising in the client's company) to understand the client's pain points, and used this as a starting point to begin the transformation of the backend system.

In the past, engineers seldom came to the front to contact customers, but in the process of digitization, from the consumer Internet to the industrial Internet, all industries are undergoing profound changes, and even the workflow, business logic, and industry ecology are all changing dramatically. The advertising and content fields have fully shifted to data-driven, and changes in finance, retail, education, and healthcare have also begun.

Technology is reshaping every aspect of the industrial ecosystem across the chain, from manufacturing to logistics and marketing. The understanding of new technology trends requires cross-sector, cross-company, and cross-discipline collaboration, interlocking and step-by-step. This is a ****similar evolutionary process, and like biological evolution, each individual choice will affect the path of the final evolution. The speed of reaction is also a key factor in the impact. In the face of such a change, regardless of To B or To C, everyone has to break the traditional boundaries and go to the front line as much as possible to find ways to solve the problem and ideas, in order to reposition themselves and reach the next signpost faster.

Look ahead and seize the opportunity

This year marks the 22nd anniversary of the company's founding and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Standing at this node, we can more truly feel the same frequency **** vibration with the city and the fate of the country. In the process of growth, the company has experienced several big leaps. 22 years ago, the company started in the Saige Park office, nothing, the most difficult time even can not afford to buy servers.

But we have always had a bold and courageous unconvincing spirit, all the way from instant messaging to expand to more areas of content services, from the PC era to the era of the mobile Internet, and in the past two years, deep plowing into the industrial Internet, and continue to open up a new space and battlefield. There are some key opportunities in the growth of the enterprise, across the past can fly farther, across the past will fall behind, or even fall.

Now, an exciting opportunity is coming, the mobile Internet ten years of development, is about to usher in the next wave of upgrading, we call it the full real Internet. A series of basic technologies from real-time communication to audio and video are ready, and computing power is rapidly increasing, driving richer changes in the mode of information contact and human-computer interaction.

This is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change, which means the integration of online and offline, and the fusion of physical and electronic ways. The door between the virtual world and the real world has been opened, whether from virtual to real, or from real to virtual, are committed to helping users realize a more realistic experience. Application scenarios have also opened up from consumer Internet to industrial Internet. Communication and socialization are being videoized, video conferencing and live broadcasting are on the rise, and games are also being clouded. With new technologies such as VR, new hardware and software being pushed in a variety of different scenarios, I believe another big shuffle is about to begin. Just like the mobile internet transition, those who can't get on board will gradually fall behind.

Take the right path and rise to the occasion

In the long run, how to cope with the various internal and external challenges and grasp the key opportunities? It is difficult to influence the external environment, and the key still lies in developing your own capabilities. In "The Foundation", Collins promotes those companies that focus more on self-improvement than on taking their rivals as the ultimate goal. The same is true for us. In this era of black swans, we need to look inward.

From this annual report, we can see that the efforts of different teams in the company are focused on building the basic strength of technology and culture, and practicing the company's values of "integrity, progress, collaboration, and creativity" in different areas. An enterprise is like a locomotive, on the way it needs people to keep contributing in order to push the train forward. Integrity is fundamental to our values.

Integrity is a kind of faith, integrity is also the rules and bottom line. We insist on integrity because we believe it is good and right, not because we want to "make it". Of course, we can't be denied the opportunity to succeed purely by insisting on integrity, even though it may be more difficult. Our adherence to integrity has attracted a group of fellow travelers who share our values, and has helped us to introspect, reflect, and be good, which has been the cornerstone of Tencent's journey.

While external difficulties and changes are normalizing, we have to take the positive as the foundation and rise to the occasion. In the midst of the epidemic, we all mobilized as a whole, summoned by the mission of science and technology for the good, crossed the barriers and fought the epidemic with one heart, and made life-and-death friendships with many domestic and foreign partners and organizations, which also made us even more determined to make our choice. Six years ago, we proposed that Tencent should be a connector, not only connecting people, but also connecting services and devices. The special experience during the epidemic made us realize even further the value of connectivity, and that all technology ultimately serves people. Continue to deepen the connection between people and people, service and service, so that the connection creates value, which is the direction of our continuous evolution.

Editor-in-chief Li Jianhua intern Li Ge Li

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