General Hospital of the Northern Theater of Operations Zip Code

There are two hospitals with zip codes 110003 and 110112.

Based on the zip code database, the Heping Hospital of the Northern Theater General Hospital is located at No. 5 Guangrong Street, Heping District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, and has a zip code of 110003, where 11 stands for Liaoning Province, 00 stands for Shenyang City, and 03 stands for Heping District.

The Hunnan Hospital of the General Hospital of the Northern Theater of Operations is located at No. 17, Hunnan Middle Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, with a zip code of 110112. where 11 stands for Liaoning Province, 01 stands for Shenyang City, and 12 stands for Hunnan District.