How much is a kilometer of ambulance in Yanjiao?

For Yanjiao ambulance cost, the specific price will be slightly different according to different cities or districts, but you can roughly refer to the following standards:

1, mileage fee: about 8-12 yuan per kilometer. Yanjiao is generally farther away from the city, the mileage will be longer, so the mileage fee is the main component of the ambulance cost. A kilometer in Yanjiao may cost about 10 yuan.

2, basic violation of the trip fee: the trip fee is usually in the range of 200-500 yuan. This is the base fee for an ambulance traveling to provide a service, with or without mileage charges.

3, rescue fee: need to provide physiotherapy, injections, inhalation and other specialized rescue services, will be additional rescue fee, usually in the range of 2,000 yuan. But for simple services such as bandages and fluids, the rescue fee may not be charged.

4, the use of medical equipment: if you use the ambulance electrocardiograph, inhaler, defibrillator and other medical equipment, there will be an additional charge for the use of the equipment, the price will vary depending on the type of equipment, ranging from 200 yuan to 2,000 yuan.

In summary, in Yanjiao one kilometer or so, the base fee is 200 yuan, mileage fee 10 yuan/km,

Roughly can be calculated: the base fee of 200 yuan + 10 yuan/km x 1km = 210 yuan

Together with the unpredictable other equipment use fee and rescue fee, the ambulance one kilometer in Yanjiao may be good for about 200-500 yuan. However, the actual charges will depend on the specifics of the service, so please refer to the charges provided by the ambulance staff at the time.