Where are the wireless charging settings on your cell phone

Phone wireless charging settings: open the Huawei cell phone settings, click on the battery option to enter, in the battery page, click on the charging settings option to enter, in the charging settings page, the wireless reverse charging can be turned on.

Huawei wireless charging is on by default, you can directly use the wireless charger for charging, only wireless reverse charging needs to be turned on in the battery settings of the phone, low-power wireless charging is often electromagnetic induction, such as charging a cell phone Q way, but ZTE's wireless charging of electric vehicles using inductive.


1, select the appropriate model of wireless charging battery loaded into the phone.

2. Connect the wireless charging transmitter to the power supply.

3, put the cell phone on the transmitter board, the red light on the transmitter board fast flash, at this time the transmitter to the cell phone wireless transmission of electricity.

4, the red light turns green when the battery is full, at the same time the transmitter is turned off, the green light goes out after removing the battery.

5, if the battery has been charged on the transmitter board, the wireless transmitter circuit will not work, at the same time, the indicator light flashes slowly, prompting the user that the battery has been charged, 30 seconds after the red light turns green.