How to realize bim model and asset management system docking

The full name of BIM is BuildingInformationModeling, which is more authoritatively called Building Information Modeling in China, and it is a technical means throughout the entire building life cycle. It is not only a change of design means, but also a change of the whole engineering construction industry. My personal understanding of BIM is mainly three key words: three-dimensional, information technology and collaboration. The first is three-dimensionalization, which is the foundation of BIM technology. Three-dimensionalization has a role is to free up part of the work of the human brain, because the building in the real world is three-dimensional existence, in the past are designers through two-dimensional drawings to express the three-dimensional building (i.e., the design process), and then the construction personnel through these two-dimensional drawings to restore the three-dimensional building (i.e., the construction process), which there are two times to be understood through the human brain, one time is to convert the three-dimensional object into a two-dimensional drawing, and the other time to understand the three-dimensional object. BIM technology will save the two intermediate conversions, direct three-dimensional design, the construction side is to take the three-dimensional data to construction, everyone is three-dimensional, can reduce a lot of communication links of the loss of information, but also to improve the efficiency and quality of the design and construction. The second keyword is informationization. Real world objects will contain a wealth of information that characterizes these individuals. As in the case of a person, his name, physical characteristics, personality traits, and so on. Building components (such as walls, doors, windows, structural components, air-conditioning equipment, fire protection facilities, lighting facilities, etc.) is the same, they contain a wealth of individual information, which includes both geometric information (such as length, width, etc.), as well as non-geometric information (such as materials, construction, manufacturers, maintenance, design parameters, etc.). In the two-dimensional design stage, what we can express is often only the geometric information of the components, the expression of non-geometric information is very limited, BIM technology provides unlimited possibilities for the informationization of the building, and this information is with the various stages of the life cycle of the building is constantly in the "growth" of the building. Therefore, informatization is the blood of BIM technology, without informatization, BIM technology can not be applied to the whole life cycle of the building. The third keyword is collaboration. This is an important way for BIM technology to change the entire engineering and construction industry, BIM technology can improve the past engineering and construction industry, the parties are more loose management system, reduce the design information in all aspects of the circulation of information loss, with the information model will be synergistic to a platform, the relationship between the parties by the previous series of changes to the flat, platform, all parties are based on the core platform of BIM, parallel to each other, can greatly improve the entire engineering and construction industry. Docking can greatly improve the efficiency of the entire engineering and construction industry. From the above three points, we can see that BIM technology is definitely an inevitable trend for the development of the engineering construction industry in the future. In recent years, the scale of some projects in China is increasing, and the design is becoming more and more complex, the model of design general contracting, general contracting for the design of the finer degree of requirements are also more and more high, these circumstances have increased the complexity of engineering design, the need to coordinate more and more project teams, the need to coordinate the contents of the project is also more and more complicated. and improve design refinement, and control project investment all have an important role. In the foreseeable next ten years, BIM technology is bound to replace the existing design method to become the mainstream of design. Usually when starting a new BIM project, the BIM team is prioritized to have some BIM implementation of the foundation of the personnel, but not all of them have done BIM, or need to join some have not done, because we need to promote the application of BIM technology in the entire Fifth Design Institute, can not be confined to a few people in a small group. In some of the BIM projects I have experienced, my role is mainly to establish the standards of the project (including modeling standards, model framing, basic model building, collaborative approach to establish, etc.), to solve some problems that may arise during the BIM design process, which can be understood as the role of BIM manager. In the future, 3D models developed through reality capture and computation will be combined with powerful cloud-based energy simulation software to help designers make informed decisions about which existing building structures are suitable for remodeling.