What is first aid for how to deal with sports injuries?

Common sports injuries include fatigue fractures, external shin splints, tendonitis, runner's knee, rope muscle injuries, weightlifter's back, tennis elbow, head injuries and foot injuries.


1, first aid

In many kinds of injuries, find out the main contradiction for first aid, such as bleeding, first stop bleeding. When shock, first anti-shock, do not hesitate and delay the time.

2, general treatment

Abrasions: unclean wounds with water to rinse clean, clean wounds, coated with red or purple potion or band-aid can be self-healing. More serious abrasions first need to stop the bleeding, as appropriate, take a cold compress method, elevate the limb method, bandage pressure bandage method, finger direct finger pressure hemostasis method and other methods of treatment, if necessary, go to the hospital for wound cleaning, suturing, medication, bandages and other treatments, so as not to be infected or bleed too much.

Nosebleed: let the injured person sit down, head tilted back, temporarily breathing through the mouth, nostrils with gauze or clean soft paper stuffed, with a cold towel on the forehead and bridge of the nose, generally can stop bleeding. If it is still more than that, you should go to the hospital for examination and treatment, and take timely and effective measures to prevent massive bleeding and shock.

Sprain: First of all, you should take measures to stop bleeding and pain. You can elevate the injured limb, wash the injured part with cold water or apply cold compresses with cold towels to shrink the blood vessels and reduce the degree of bleeding and pain. You should not rub and move it to prevent increasing the amount of bleeding. Pad the injured place with cotton and bandage it with pressure. After simple treatment, the injured person should be immediately sent to the hospital for further medical treatment.

Contusion: Use a cold towel to apply a cold compress to constrict blood vessels and reduce bleeding and pain. Put cotton pads on the injured area and bandage it with pressure. After simple treatment, the injured person should be immediately sent to the hospital for further medical treatment.

Concussion: Patients with mild concussion can recover after one or two days of quiet bed rest. For moderate and severe concussion, keep the injured person absolutely quiet, lie on the back in a flat place, apply cold compresses on the head, pay attention to the body's warmth, and send them to the hospital for treatment in time.

Dislocation: the action should be gentle, not to stretch and twist, you can first cold compresses, bandages, to keep the joint immobilized, and then immediately sent to the hospital to ask the doctor for corrective treatment.

Fracture: first of all, you should pacify the injured person, prevent shock, pay attention to body warmth, immediately sent to the hospital for treatment.

Sports injury prevention

Warm-up exercises include relaxation activities before strenuous activities, a few minutes to allow the muscle temperature to rise to 38 ℃, and make it more flexible, strong and resistant to damage. Active warm-ups are more effective than passive heating with hot water, heat pads, ultrasound or infrared lights.

Drawing activities do not prevent injuries, but they can create a greater pull on the muscles and should be performed after a warm-up or after training, and should not last more than 10 seconds in order to avoid direct injury.

Cooling refers to the gradual relaxation before the end of training can prevent dizziness and fainting. If the strenuous activity is suddenly stopped, blood accumulates in the distal veins of the limbs, which may cause dizziness or even fainting. The final relaxation exercise can promote blood circulation and blood lactic acid excretion, but it cannot prevent muscle soreness the next day because it is related to muscle fiber damage.

Reference for the above: Baidu Encyclopedia-Sports Injuries, Baidu Encyclopedia-Sports Injuries