Kunming Eye Hospital is equipped with advanced and perfect medical equipment in the field of ophthalmology, and is the first in the industry to carry out excimer laser treatment for myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. At present, cataract surgery is on a new level, the latest "cold ultramammography" is a computer-controlled energy release after the micro-blast technology, the energy will be instantly concentrated to achieve better crushing effect, so that the release of energy is greatly reduced compared with the ordinary ultramammography, to maintain the advantages of the original ultramammography surgery, the intraocular tissues, especially cornea, the damage is smaller, better effect on the hard nucleus. In addition to maintaining the advantages of the original ultramammary surgery, it has less damage to the intraocular tissues, especially the cornea, and has a better effect on the hard nucleus, shorter operation time, smaller incision and faster recovery. At the same time, the hospital carries out strabismus, amblyopia, lacrimal disease, conjunctivitis, blepharoplasty, retinopathy, glaucoma, ocular trauma, vitreous disease, optic neuropathy and so on, which have solved the problems for the majority of patients with eye diseases. The latest excimer laser double-sided cutting surgery and excimer laser multifocal cutting surgery for refractive error has reached the first-class level at home and abroad.