Types of Hospitals Hospitals

Hospitals designed to deal with a wide range of illnesses and injuries are general hospitals, and they usually include emergency departments, outpatient clinics, and inpatient departments. General hospitals are usually the main medical facility in an area and have a large number of beds that can provide intensive care and long-term care for many patients at once.

First-class general hospital


Total number of inpatient beds 20 to 99.


(a) Clinical departments: at least an emergency room, internal medicine, surgery, gynecology (obstetrics), and preventive health care;

(b) Medical and technical departments: at least a pharmacy, laboratory, X-ray room, and sterilized supply room.


(i) at least 0.7 health technicians per bed;

(ii) at least 3 physicians, 5 nurses and corresponding health technicians in pharmacy, testing and radiology;

(iii) at least 1 physician with the title of attending physician or above.


Each room has a floor area of not less than 45 square meters.


(I) Basic equipment:

Electrocardiograph gastric lavage apparatus electric suction apparatus respiratory balloon gynecological examination bed rinsing trolley endotracheal tube intubation universal surgical bed

necessary surgical instruments microscope centrifuge X-ray machine refrigerator medicine cabinet constant temperature incubator autoclave sterilizing equipment

Ultraviolet lamps washing machine room water, hot water, distilled water, Purification and filtration system

(2) ward per bed unit equipment:

bed 1 mattress 1.2 quilt 1.2 mattress 1.2 quilt cover 2 sheets 2 pillowcase 2 pillowcases

pillowcase 4 bedside table 1 warm water bottle 1 basin 2 sputum or sputum cups 1 hospital gowns 2 sets of

(3) have other equipment corresponding to the subjects of diagnosis and treatment carried out.

Sixth, the development of rules and regulations, personnel responsibility system, there is a nationally developed or recognized medical care technical procedures, and available in book form.

VII, the registered capital in place, the amount determined by the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Health Administration.

Second-level general hospital


The total number of inpatient beds 100 to 499.

Departmental settings:

(a) clinical departments: at least an emergency department, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, stomatology, dermatology, anesthesiology, infectious diseases, preventive health care, of which ophthalmology, otolaryngology, stomatology can be merged to build a department, the dermatology department may be merged with the Department of Internal Medicine or Surgery, the vicinity of the existing infectious disease hospitals, in accordance with the local "Medical Institutions Setting Plan". Infectious disease hospitals in the vicinity, according to the local "Medical Institutions Setting Plan" may not set up infectious diseases;

(2) medical and technical departments: at least have a pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, operating room, pathology, blood bank (can be set up in conjunction with the Laboratory), physical therapy, disinfection and supply room, patient case room.


(1) at least 0.88 health technicians per bed;

(2) at least 0.4 nurses per bed;

(3) at least 3 physicians with the title of deputy chief physician or above.

(iv) At least one physician with the title of attending physician or above in each specialized department.


(a) Each room has a floor area of not less than 45 square meters;

(b) Each bed in the ward has a net usable area of not less than 5 square meters;

(c) The daily average of each visit accounts for not less than 3 square meters of outpatient floor area.


(I) Basic equipment:

Oxygen delivery device, ventilator, electric suction, automatic gastric lavage machine, electrocardiograph, cardiac defibrillator, cardiac monitor multifunctional resuscitation beds, universal surgical beds, shadowless lamps, anesthesia machine gastroscope, gynecological examination beds, douche carts, universal birthing beds, delivery monitors, infant warming box, slit lamp dental treatment chair, Turbine, dental drilling machine, silver mercury mixer, microscope, refrigerator

Thermostat, analytical balance, X-ray machine, centrifuge, potassium, sodium and chlorine analyzer, urinalysis, ultrasound frozen section machine, paraffin section machine, dressings cabinet, washing machine, instrument cabinets, ultraviolet lamps, glove drying and powdering machine, distillation, autoclave sterilization equipment

Next collection and next delivery of closed cars, standing water, hot water, purification and filtration system, washing tools, clean storage, hot water, purification and filtration system, cleaning and sterilization system. system rinsing tools clean storage, sterilization closed cabinet

Heat source monitoring equipment (thermostat, purification table, drying box).

(2) ward per bed unit equipment: in addition to the addition of a bedside signal lamp, other than the first level of general hospitals;

(3) there are other equipment corresponding to the subjects of diagnosis and treatment carried out.


Development of rules and regulations, personnel job responsibility system, there is a nationally developed or recognized medical care technology operating procedures, and available in booklets.

Registered capital:

Registered capital in place, the amount determined by the health administrative department of each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government.

Tertiary general hospital


The total number of inpatient beds is more than 500. Departments:

(1) clinical departments: at least emergency department, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, traditional Chinese medicine, otolaryngology, stomatology, ophthalmology, dermatology, anesthesiology, rehabilitation, preventive health care, and neurology;

(2) medical and technical departments: at least the pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, operating room, pathology, transfusion, nuclear medicine, Physiotherapy (can be combined with rehabilitation), sterilization supply room, case room, nutrition department and the corresponding clinical function examination room.


(1) at least 1.03 health technicians per bed;

(2) at least 0.4 nurses per bed;

(3) the chief of each specialized department shall have the title of deputy chief physician or above;

(4) not less than 2 clinical dietitians;

(5) engineering technicians ( technicians, assistant engineers and above) account for no less than 1% of the total number of health technicians.


(a) not less than 60 square meters of floor space per bed;

(b) not less than 6 square meters of net usable area per bed in the ward;

(c) not less than 4 square meters of outpatient floor space per average daily outpatient visit.


(I) Basic equipment:

Oxygen delivery device Ventilator, electric suction, automatic gastric lavage machine, electrocardiograph, cardiac defibrillator, cardiac monitor, multi-functional resuscitation beds, universal surgical beds, shadowless lamps, anesthesia machines, anesthesia monitors, high-frequency electrocuting knife, mobile x-ray machine, X-ray machine, ultrasound, Doppler imaging, dynamic electrocardiogram machine, Electroencephalogram machine, cerebral blood flow mapping machine, hemodialyzer Lung Function Instrument

Bronchoscope Esophagoscopy, Gastroscope Duodenoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy, Proctoscopy Laparoscopy, Cystoscopy Hysteroscopy, Gynecological Examining Bed Maternity Monitors, Universal Delivery Beds Fetal Monitor, Infant Warmer Orthopedic Retractor, Slit Lamps Dental Treatment Chairs, Turret Dental Drill, Silver Mercury Blender Microscopes, Biochemistry Analyzers Ultraviolet spectrophotometer, enzyme analyzer Urine analyzer, analytical balance Automatic cell sifter, rinsing cart Refrigerator, thermostat centrifuge Dressing cabinet, instrument cabinet Frozen slicer, paraffin slicer Autoclave sterilization equipment, retort UV lamps, glove drying and dusting machine Laundry machine, rinsing tools Lower collection and lower delivery of closed carts, standing water, hot water, purification and filtration system Net storage, disinfection and sterilization of closed cabinets, ventilation and cooling, Drying equipment Heat source monitoring equipment (thermostat, purification table, drying oven)

(ii) ward per bed unit of equipment; the same as the second level of general hospitals;

(iii) have and carry out the diagnostic and treatment subjects corresponding to other equipment.


Personnel job responsibility system, the development of rules and regulations, there is a nationally developed or recognized medical care technology operating procedures, and available in booklets.

Registered capital:

Registered capital in place, the amount determined by the health administrative departments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Supporting departments include pharmacy, radiology, records office and so on.