Sludge Solid Waste Code 251-002-08 means:
Wastewater treatment sludge from the petroleum primary refining process, as well as sludge from storage facilities, oil-water-solids separators, stagnant tanks, ditches and other conveyance piping, sumps, and stormwater collection pipes.
"Waste Code. " is a unique code for hazardous waste and is an 8-digit number. Among them, the 1st-3rd digits are the hazardous waste generating industry code, the 4th-6th digits are the waste sequence code, and the 7th-8th digits are the waste category code.
HW07 Heat Treatment Cyanide Containing Wastes
Metal Surface Treatment and Heat Treatment Processing
346-049-07 Cyanide Containing Wastes Generated from Other Heat Treating and Annealing Operations T
071-001-08 Oil Sludge and Oil Feet from Petroleum Extraction and Refining T, I Natural Crude Oil and Natural Gas Extraction 071-002-08 Abandoned Sludge from Drilling Fluid Treatment T
251-001-08 Oil/Water and Hydrocarbon/Water Mixtures from Cleaning of Tanks (Pools) or Oil Parts T
251-003-08 Sludge from API Separators in Petroleum Refining, and Gasoline Refining Process Wastewater and Cooling Wastewater Treatment Sludge T
251-004-08 Petroleum Flotation sludge from dissolved air flotation in the refining process T, I
251-005-08 Overflow waste oil or emulsion in the petroleum refining process T, I
251-006-08 Heat exchanger tube bundling cleaning sludge in the petroleum refining process T
HW08 Waste mineral oil refining petroleum product manufacturing
251-007-08 Petroleum Refining Process Sludge from Oil Separation Facilities T Waste Category Industry Source Waste Code Hazardous Waste Hazardous Characteristics
251-008-08 Sediment from the Bottom of Storage Facilities in Petroleum Refining Process T, I
251-009-08 Sediment from Crude Oil Storage Facilities in Petroleum Refining Process T, I
251-010-08 Petroleum Refining Process 251-011-08 Residues from filtration or separation devices in inlet piping during petroleum refining T, I
There are hundreds of other waste codes, too numerous to list, refer to the National Hazardous Waste Inventory webpage
Hazardous Waste Names and Class Codes List
Hazardous Waste Names and Class Codes List
Hazardous Waste Names and Class Codes List
Hazardous Waste Names and Class Codes List
Hazardous Waste Names and Class Codes List
Hazardous wastes can be referred to the "Chinese People's *** and State Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control Law"
Article 1 According to the "Chinese People's *** and State Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control Law" of the relevant provisions of the development of this list.
Article 2 Solid wastes and liquid wastes with one of the following circumstances shall be included in this list:
(1) those with one or several hazardous characteristics such as corrosiveness, toxicity, flammability, reactivity or infectivity;
(2) those that are not excluded from having hazardous characteristics, and that may have a detrimental effect on the environment or human health, and that need to be managed in accordance with hazardous wastes. .
Article 3 Medical waste is hazardous waste. The Classification Catalog of Medical Waste is separately formulated and published in accordance with the Regulations on the Management of Medical Waste.
Article 4
Solid wastes and liquid wastes that are not included in this list and the Classification Catalogue of Medical Wastes shall be added to this list in due course when they are recognized by experts organized by the competent administrative department of the State Council in charge of environmental protection as having hazardous characteristics according to the national standards for identification of hazardous wastes and the methods of identification, and are classified as hazardous wastes.
Article 5 The nature of hazardous wastes and non-hazardous waste mixtures are determined in accordance with the national hazardous waste identification standards.
Article 6
Waste medicines and their packages, waste pesticides and disinfectants and their packages, waste paints and solvents and their packages, waste mineral oil and its packages, waste films and waste paper, waste fluorescent tubes, waste thermometers, waste sphygmomanometers, waste nickel-cadmium batteries and mercuric oxide batteries, and hazardous wastes of the electronic type, etc., generated in the daily life of the family, may be managed in accordance with the hazardous waste. management.
The transportation, storage, utilization or disposal of the wastes listed in the preceding paragraph after they have been collected separately from domestic garbage shall be managed in accordance with hazardous wastes.
Article 7 The competent administrative department of the State Council for environmental protection shall adjust and publicize this list in due course according to the needs of environmental management of hazardous wastes.
Article 8 The meanings of the relevant terms in this list are as follows:
(1) "Waste category" is categorized in accordance with the categories defined in the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.
(ii) "Industry source" is the source of generation of a hazardous waste.
(iii) "Waste code" is a unique 8-digit code for hazardous waste. Among them, bits 1-3 is the hazardous waste generation industry code, bits 4-6 is the waste sequence code, bits 7-8 is the waste category code.
(d) "Hazardous characteristics" means corrosivity (C), toxicity (Toxicity, T), flammability (Ignitability,
I), reactivity (Reactivity, R) and infectivity (Infectivity, In). Infectivity, In).
Article IX
This Directory shall come into force on August 1, 2008, and the National Hazardous Waste Directory issued by the former State Environmental Protection Bureau, the State Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, and the Ministry of Public Security (Huanfa 〔1998〕 No. 89) on January 4, 1998, shall be repealed at the same time.