Question two: sewage treatment plant sludge treatment process
The above is a sewage treatment Baidu encyclopedia to see their own slowly very detailed professional.
Question 3: In the drainage treatment there is a sewage treatment, there is a sludge treatment, sewage and sludge, what is the difference? Usually in the sewage treatment process, the solid particles in the sewage will form sludge, so the sludge should also be harmless.
Question 4: What is the purpose and significance of sludge treatment? Sludge is a collective term for all kinds of sediments and floating materials produced by different treatment processes in water supply and wastewater treatment. The composition and nature of sludge mainly depend on the composition and nature of the treatment not and the treatment process. According to different classification standards, sludge has a variety of classification methods, briefly described below. (1) According to the source of sludge, it can be roughly divided into three categories: water supply sludge, domestic sewage sludge and industrial wastewater sludge. (2) According to the process of sludge separation from water, it can be categorized into precipitation sludge (including physical precipitation sludge, coagulation sludge, chemical sludge) and biological treatment sludge (referring to the sludge produced in the process of secondary treatment of sewage). Most of the modern sewage treatment plant sludge is a mixture of precipitation sludge and biological treatment sludge. (3) According to the sludge composition and nature, it can be divided into organic sludge and inorganic sludge. Organic sludge with organic matter as the main component can be referred to as sludge. Organic sludge is hydrophilic sludge. Domestic sewage sludge or mixed sewage sludge are organic sludge. Inorganic sludge with inorganic matter as the main component is often referred to as sludge, water treatment sinks and some industrial wastewater physical and chemical treatment process of sediment are sludge, inorganic sludge is generally hydrophobic sludge. (4) According to the classification of sludge in different stages of treatment named, there are raw sludge, thickened sludge, digested sludge, dewatering and drying sludge, dry sludge and sludge incineration ash. This method is the most commonly used sludge classification method. The main purposes of sludge treatment are as follows. (1) Reduce the moisture to reduce the volume, so as to facilitate the transportation, storage and various treatment and disposal processes of sludge. (2) Eliminate organic matter and pathogenic bacteria and other toxic and hazardous substances that can emit bad odors, cause diseases and pollute the environment, and make the sludge hygienic and stabilized. (3) Improve the composition and properties of sludge for application or easy recovery of energy and resources. With the promotion and development of wastewater treatment technology, the amount of sludge produced is getting bigger and bigger, and the types and properties are more complicated. Wastewater toxic and hazardous substances are often concentrated in the sludge, so the sludge is one of the most serious factors affecting the environment, must pay attention to the treatment and disposal of sludge.
Question 5: How is the sewage sludge treatment technology now? With the development of science and technology, social progress, China's sewage and sludge treatment technology has a new development, treatment of sewage and sludge, new products and new technologies are emerging, sewage treatment and disposal of typical technologies are "inflow aeration biofilter" and "microbial generator" and a large number of advanced products. A large number of advanced products.
Conductive aeration biofilter fully draws on the aeration biofilter method, contact oxidation, biofilm method, interstitial aeration method, artificial fast filtration, sedimentation and separation method, nitrification back to the nitrification method, fast filtration of water, such as the design of eight, and combined with the secondary or tertiary wastewater treatment process developed by the sewage treatment of new processes, new technologies. Conductive aeration biofilter in China's Beijing, Shandong, Hebei, Guizhou, Shanxi, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Jilin, Henan, Hubei, Tianjin, Xinjiang and other places have been examples of engineering cases involving life, hospitals, chemical industry, slaughtering, food, flax, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, pickled vegetables and other areas of sewage treatment. A large number of applications have proved that: the effluent water quality CODcr is generally below 20mg / L, the lowest 5.95mg / L; BOD5 is generally below 10mg / L, the lowest 3.50mg / L; SS is generally below 20mg / L, the lowest 6.55mg / L.
Conducted aeration biofiltration tanks so that the sewage is in the same treatment tank to complete the two aeration, two precipitation, two filtration, solving other sewage treatment problems. In August 2009, it was listed as "Innovative Project" by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China; in December 2009, it was listed as "Catalog of Environmental Protection Technologies Encouraged by the State" by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China; in May 2010, it was recognized as "National Key New Product" by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, Ministry of Commerce of China, and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China. "In May 2010, it was recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine as a "National Key New Product".
The microbial generator is mainly based on biological purification and hydrodynamic principles, the use of microorganisms in the process of life activities in the wastewater soluble organic matter and part of the insoluble organic matter effectively removed, advanced technology, stable performance, safe to use, especially suitable for a variety of wastewater (polluted) water treatment and micro-pollution treatment has the following advantages:
1, the equipment adopts three levels of occurrence, alternate The equipment adopts three-stage generation, alternating operation, level by level derivation, logarithmic growth technology, resulting in the generator to produce microbial density up to 1.8 × 1020CFU/ml, high-density microorganisms released into the biochemical pool, the pool biomass rapidly increased to 2.0 × 104mg/L or more, can be sewage pollutants in the complete decomposition of CO2 and H2O, so as to make the sewage is purified.
2, the equipment for the more ideal sewage biological treatment equipment, according to different types, different nature, different environmental needs of sewage treatment, generate different populations, different genera, different temperatures, different sewage treatment needs of microorganisms, especially suitable for urban sewage, rural sewage, medical sewage, industrial wastewater, livestock and poultry wastewater, high salt wastewater, high ammonia wastewater, toxic and harmful wastewater, heavy metals wastewater, wastewater, water, water, water and wastewater. It is especially suitable for the treatment of urban sewage, rural sewage, medical sewage, industrial wastewater, livestock and poultry wastewater, high salt wastewater, high ammonia nitrogen wastewater, toxic wastewater, harmful wastewater, heavy metal wastewater, waste leachate and other wastewater.
The equipment can also be directly with the contact oxidation method, AB method, A/O method, oxidation ditch, SBR and other old wastewater treatment works, in neither change the wastewater treatment process, nor change the conditions of civil engineering, to realize the upgrading and expansion of wastewater treatment, sludge reduction, denitrification and removal of phosphorus, water reuse and other purposes. The equipment can also be used in landscape, river, lake, river, saltwater lake, bay, land and other fields to remove micro-pollution and protect the public **** environment.
3, the microbial generator produces a high density of advantageous microbial flora, can quickly eat off the pollutants and sludge in the sewage, and does not produce odor, without sludge dewatering machine, sludge conveyor, sludge cake outgoing car, exhaust gas treatment equipment and high-power blower aeration equipment, and the traditional method of comparing the energy consumption of the activated sludge method of 1/8, the investment in equipment can be saved by seventy percent, can also be in the Shallow pool operation, thereby reducing the size of the sewage treatment tank, shallow depth, greatly reducing the cost of an investment and long-term management costs.
4, the equipment produces a high density of microbial flora through the jet stream into the treatment pool, can quickly reduce the biological oxygen consumption in the sewage (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and solid suspended solids (TSS), and has a very strong ...... >>
Question 6: What are the specifications for sludge treatment requirements Sludge disposal: refers to the process of elimination of treated sludge, the disposal of land use, landfill, comprehensive utilization of building materials. Sludge land utilization should comply with national and local standards and regulations. Sludge land utilization mainly includes land improvement and landscaping. When sludge is used for landscaping, the mud quality should meet the provisions of "Sludge Disposal of Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant Mud Quality for Landscaping" (CJ248) and the requirements of relevant standards. Sludge must be stabilized and harmlessly treated first. When the sludge is used for land improvement such as saline and alkaline land, sandy land and abandoned mine, the quality of the sludge shall comply with the provisions of "Urban Sewage Treatment Plant Sludge Disposal Mud Quality for Land Improvement" (CJ/T 291); and it shall be carried out according to the local actuality, the environmental impact assessment, and implemented after approval by the competent authorities concerned. When sludge is used for agricultural purposes, the sludge must be stabilized and harmlessly treated, and meet the Control Standards for Pollutants in Agricultural Sludge (GB4284) and other relevant national and local standards and regulations in force for agricultural purposes. Sludge landfill. Sludge that does not have the conditions for land use and comprehensive utilization of construction materials can be disposed of in landfills. The state will gradually restrict the landfilling of sludge without inorganic treatment in landfills. Sludge landfill should meet the provisions of "urban sewage treatment plant sludge disposal mixed landfill mud quality" (CJ/T 249); sludge before landfill needs to be stabilized; transverse shear strength should be greater than 25kN/m2; landfill should have a biogas utilization system, leachate can meet the standards for discharge.
Sludge treatment: when the sludge is disposed of by landscaping and agricultural use, anaerobic digestion or high-temperature aerobic fermentation (composting) is encouraged. When the sludge is disposed of by landfill, high-temperature aerobic fermentation and lime stabilization can be used to treat the sludge, and fly ash and aged garbage can also be added to modify the sludge. The water content of sludge after high-temperature aerobic fermentation should be less than 40%. When sludge is disposed of by comprehensive utilization of construction materials, sludge thermal drying, sludge incineration and other treatment methods can be adopted. When the sludge is disposed of by comprehensive utilization of construction materials, sludge thermal drying, sludge incineration and other treatment methods can be adopted. The flue gas of sludge incineration should be treated and meet the "pollution control standards for domestic waste incineration" (GB18485) and other relevant regulations. Slag from sludge incineration and fly ash collected by dust removal equipment should be collected, stored and transported separately. Encourage the comprehensive utilization of slag that meets the requirements; fly ash needs to be identified and properly disposed of.
Sludge transportation and storage: the whole process of transportation should be monitored and managed to prevent secondary pollution of the environment caused by exposure, spillage or dripping; arbitrary dumping and sludge discharge is strictly prohibited. Sludge transit and storage. The need to set up sludge transfer stations and storage facilities, can refer to the "urban environmental sanitation facilities set standards" (CJJ27) and other provisions, and approved by the relevant competent authorities before construction and use.
Safe operation and supervision of sludge treatment and disposal: urban sewage treatment plants, sludge transportation units and each sludge receiving unit shall establish a joint slip system for sludge transfer and regularly report the recorded joint slip results to the relevant local authorities. The operating units shall establish a complete system of testing, recording, archiving and reporting, and track, record and report the destination, use and dosage of sludge and its by-products after treatment and disposal, and keep the relevant information for at least 5 years. The landfill operation unit should monitor the sludge mud quality, the background value of water, gas, soil and other operational impacts of the landfill site on a regular basis in accordance with the relevant national standards and norms.
Question 7: What qualifications are needed for sludge treatment? I am a professional sludge treatment, depending on what you want to deal with the sludge containing what substances, the qualification of the most important is the hazardous waste management license. If the sludge contains copper, you need to have the qualification of hazardous waste HW22 (copper-containing waste).
Question 8: How much does it cost to treat sewage sludge Drying sludge
Doing 80% water sludge is about 120 yuan / ton
Doing 60% water sludge is about 160 yuan / ton
Doing 50% water sludge is about 200 yuan / ton
Outgoing landfill about 120-180 yuan / ton
Outgoing incineration is about 200-180 yuan / ton
Outgoing incineration is about 200-180 yuan / ton
Outgoing incineration is about 200-180 yuan / ton. Overseas transport incineration about 200-240 yuan / ton
Question 9: What does it mean that the sludge treatment capacity of sewage treatment 1.2tds/h 1.2 tons of dry sludge / hour
Question 10: How to deal with the sludge of sewage treatment plant? 5 points At present, our company provides a whole set of sludge treatment solutions. The dewatering rate is up to 50%. The operating cost per ton of sludge is 40~50 RMB. Interested can contact me. Thank you!