What is a test preparation form? What items does it include and how to fill them in?
the reference table refers to the document materials placed after all the archived documents in each box to make necessary comments on the archived documents in the box. The reference table is an effective measure for the dynamic management of archived documents in the archives room of the government. The filling requirements are as follows: (1) Description of the documents in the box: The information needed to fill in the archived documents in the box, including the completeness of the document collection and the status of the document itself (illegible handwriting, defects, etc.). If there is any modification, supplement, removal and destruction of the archived documents after finishing the work, it should be explained in the reference table. Compared with the reference table in the original filing, the description of the documents in the box here also includes notes on the missing part number and the combination of two pieces in the box (for example, if the forwarded document and the forwarded document, instructions and instructions form one piece). (2) Organizer: fill in the name of the person who is responsible for organizing this box of filing documents to clarify the responsibility. In the organ archives for centralized organization, this item is generally filled in by archivists. (3) Checker: fill in the name of the person responsible for checking the quality of filing documents. This item is generally filled in by the archivists of the organ, and can also be signed by the person in charge of the organ. (4) Date: the date when the filing documents are completed. It can be the date when all the archive files are sorted out, or it can be the date when this box of archive files is sorted out.