PC, known as Polycarbonate, or simply PC, is a thermoplastic resin known for its unique molecular structure and wide range of applications. Its core components are ester groups of aliphatic, alicyclic, or aliphatic-aromatic type, of which the bisphenol A type is the most common among aliphatic polycarbonates, whose molecular weight ranges are usually in the range of 30,000-100,000. This resin makes it a leader among engineering plastics by virtue of its excellent mechanical properties, optical properties, electrical properties and thermal stability.
PC's durability and ease of processing have allowed it to exhibit a wide range of applications in several fields. It is used to make housings for household appliances to ensure product durability and aesthetics; in the automotive industry, PC is used to make lamps and lanterns to provide excellent protection and brightness; in the medical field, it is used to make precision instruments to ensure product accuracy and safety; in addition, high-purity optical-grade polycarbonate (OQ Resin) is to promote the advancement of the optical disk industry, providing a key material for optical storage technology.
In short, PC is a versatile and high-performance material that has demonstrated its irreplaceable value in a variety of applications. Whether it's durable home appliances, efficient automotive components, precision medical devices, or even the creation of optical disks, PCs are the key support behind the scenes.