Does chemical fiber plant operator belong to special job category
According to the following list of special types of work, the spinner is a special type of work. Textile industry chemical fiber toxic and hazardous work types: 1 carbon disulfide manufacturing workers 2 calcium sulfite liquid manufacturing workers 3 cooking workers 4 washing workers 5 bleaching workers 6 sulfonate chemical 7 plate and frame filtration workers 8 spinning workers 9 filament twisting workers down workers 10 filament ascending head 11 filament hanging 12 cellophane manufacturing workers 13 iron-chromium salt manufacturing workers 14 cotton short staple preparations 15 bleaching solution manufacturing workers 16 unloading raw wood workers 17 logs handling workers 18 turnover Carpenter 19 Cleaver 20 Carbon disulfide storage worker 21 Carbon disulfide preservation worker 22 Staple fiber reprocessor 23 Carbon disulfide recycler 24 Inner precision worker (nozzle finishing worker) 25 Outer precision worker 26 Strong-wire accessory replacer 27 Scrap cleaner 28 Strong-wire tube finisher 29 Strong-wire metering pump assembler 30 Strong-wire classifier, loader and unloader 31 Strong-wire bale wrapper 32 Strong-wire primary and re-twister Blocker 33 Power filament weaving blocker 34 Power filament glue dispenser 35 Sulfonation machine, spinning machine keeper 36 Acid station acid bath worker 37 Acid station keeper.