As of February 11, 2020, the price of glasses are subject to the price of frames and lenses are determined by the price of additional features, the material is good then expensive, the average ordinary glasses 300 yuan or so can be matched.
Buying eyeglasses should be done in a professional eyeglasses store, where the quality of the processing and the quality of the goods will be relatively assured. You need to pay attention to the rational use of eyes to avoid myopia deepening.
Expanded information:
First time with glasses to pay attention to:
1. It is best to choose professional eye hospitals, optometric centers and other institutions to get glasses for the first time. To understand whether the optometry personnel have optometrist qualifications; glasses products (lenses, frames) with or without qualified marking; to see whether the dispensing organization of optometry, dispensing equipment is affixed with the national compulsory inspection qualified mark.
2. Allergic people should choose metal frames carefully. Consumers who are prone to allergies should try not to choose metal frames (especially those made of alloy).
3. Special eye disease patients need to pay attention when choosing anti-blue light glasses. General consumers are advised to choose anti-blue light lenses with caution; patients with special eye diseases such as macular disorders, such as age-related macular deformation, macular lentigines, diabetic fundopathy patients choose anti-blue light glasses according to the ophthalmologist's recommendations.
4. Personalized adjustments can be made according to the situation after taking the glasses. Consumers should check whether there are surface defects in the glasses after picking up the prescription, such as scratches on the frame, scratches on the surface of the lenses, chipping of the lenses, gaps, etc., and whether there are any serious uncomfortable symptoms after wearing the glasses, such as uneven or deformed looking at the floor. In addition, consumers can also ask the dispensing agency to personalize the adjustment of glasses, so that the glasses will not cause pressure on the bridge of the nose, ears, comfortable to wear.
People's Daily News - how to match the glasses please look over!