Legal analysis: dental implants can not be reimbursed medical insurance, dental implants belong to the scope of cosmetic, because dental implants are to make the teeth more beautiful.
Legal basis: The Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China
Article 2: The State establishes a social insurance system for basic pension insurance, basic medical insurance, industrial injury insurance, unemployment insurance, maternity insurance, etc., and guarantees the right of citizens to obtain material assistance from the State and society according to the law in the case of old age, illness, industrial injury, unemployment and maternity.
Article 26 The standards of treatment for basic medical insurance for employees, new rural cooperative medical care and basic medical insurance for urban residents shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the State.
Article 28 Medical expenses that conform to the basic medical insurance drug catalog, diagnostic and therapeutic items, standards of medical service facilities, as well as those for emergency and rescue shall be paid from the basic medical insurance fund in accordance with the state regulations.