Nuclear magnetic **** vibration reimbursement rate of how much

Hospitalization consumption "nuclear magnetic **** vibration", and other costs are included in the scope of medical insurance, accounting for the overall percentage of classification. Specific hospitalization - medical insurance hospitalization, the total cost in addition to the out-of-pocket part, after the first 10% of Category B costs, more than the hospital medical insurance threshold fee part, enjoy the coordinated payment ratio. The threshold fee varies with the level of the hospital, and so does the percentage of payment. The percentage for employee health insurance is 80% or so, and the percentage for resident health insurance is about 70%. After the nuclear magnetic **** vibration examination was included in the medical insurance reimbursement scope, the patient's out-of-pocket expenses were significantly reduced. The difference in out-of-pocket amount after the policy change is 405.45 yuan per person.

The current state of the country dictates that our social health insurance can only be "low level, wide coverage". This means that the health insurance we enjoy faces a lot of limitations. Social security is to pay money after the fact, and commercial insurance in the critical illness insurance is diagnosed to pay, such as the emergence of a major disease, can make up for the plight of many families do not have the money to treat the disease; in addition, the commercial insurance of the death benefit can often be a solution to the plight of the family members of the insured life in most cases, the nuclear **** vibration can be reimbursed to the medical insurance, the premise is that the patient must be insured. But car accidents and injuries involving compensation issues in this case can not enter the medical insurance, pregnancy and childbirth aspects of the nuclear magnetic *** vibration examination is not reimbursed.

Nuclear magnetic **** vibration is a large medical equipment, the examination cost is expensive, nuclear magnetic **** vibration examination has been included in the medical insurance, reimbursement rate according to the various regions have certain differences, most of them are in the 80%, if the balance of the medical insurance account is sufficient, you can not pay out of pocket a penny of hospitalization consumption of nuclear magnetic **** vibration, and other costs are included in the medical insurance coverage, classified in the category of the cost. The cost is included in the scope of medical insurance together with other costs, and the proportion of the integrated accounting is categorized. Specific hospitalization - medical insurance hospitalization, in addition to the total cost of out-of-pocket expenses, after the first 10% of Category B costs, more than the threshold fee of the hospital medical insurance, to enjoy the coordinated payment ratio. The threshold fee varies with the level of the hospital, and so does the percentage of payment. The percentage for employee health insurance is 80% or so, and the percentage for resident health insurance is about 70%. After the nuclear magnetic **** vibration examination was included in the medical insurance reimbursement scope, the patient's out-of-pocket expenses were significantly reduced. The difference in out-of-pocket amount after the policy change is 405.45 yuan per person.