120 first aid work flow
(1) "120" call for help: When an accident or emergency occurs, the patient or witness dials the "120" emergency number.
(2) Accepting emergency calls: Emergency personnel on duty should understand the condition and the address of the incident, quickly dispatch emergency resources as needed, keep detailed records, and report to superiors when necessary (such as large emergencies) ).
(3) The ambulance personnel will dispatch quickly after receiving the call. The emergency personnel will carry the necessary rescue drugs and medical equipment and dispatch the vehicle within 10 minutes according to the instructions and condition of the person receiving the call.
(4) Arrival at the scene: Emergency personnel carry emergency medicines and equipment, rush to the patient as soon as possible, and perform on-site first aid according to the disease type and condition.
(5) Safe handling: According to the condition, adopt the correct handling method and position to safely handle the patient.
(6) Determine the transfer hospital. Determine the transfer hospital based on the principle of proximity, urgency, ability, and respect for the wishes of the patient and family members. When a major public health emergency occurs, patients transferred must obey on-site commands. In special circumstances, the patient or the patient's family members are required to sign on the medical documents.
(7) En route monitoring: During first aid or transfer, medical staff should closely monitor the patient's vital signs to ensure the patient's life safety during the journey to the greatest extent.
(8) Arrival at the hospital: After arriving at the hospital, send the patient to the corresponding department, and carefully explain the condition and treatment to the receiving staff.
(9) Return: After returning to the department, organize pre-hospital emergency medical records, register, check equipment, replenish medicines, and prepare for another visit.
120 First Aid Precautions
1. Determine whether the other party is a medical rescue center.
2. Tell the patient’s detailed address on the phone. For example, "Room X, No.
3. Explain the patient’s main condition. Such as vomiting blood, coma or falling down the stairs, so that the rescue personnel can prepare the treatment facilities.
4. Report the name and phone number of the caller. Once the rescuers cannot find the patient, they can contact the caller.
5. If there are a group of injured or poisoned patients, the cause of the accident must be reported, such as building collapse, train derailment, poison gas leakage, vegetable poisoning, etc., and the approximate number of affected persons must be reported so that 120 can mobilize ambulance vehicles , report to government departments and notify rescue personnel from various hospitals to gather at the accident site.
6. After hanging up the phone, someone should be waiting at the door of the house or at an intersection to guide the ambulance in and out.
7. Prepare medicines, such as clothing, etc. to take with the patient. If the patient is poisoned by medicine, he or she should bring the suspected medicine; if the patient has a broken limb, he or she should bring the severed limb. Of course, don’t forget to bring as much medical expenses as possible.
8. Clear the aisles for transporting patients.
9. If the ambulance still does not appear within 20 minutes, you can call 120 again. If your condition permits, do not look for other vehicles, because as long as 120 receives your call, an ambulance will definitely come.
10. There are two criteria for choosing which hospital to go to. The first is proximity, and the second is considering the characteristics of the hospital. But the first is the principle of "nearby", because for patients who need rescue, it is particularly important to gain time.