What is the approximate cost of wisdom teeth extraction?

The price for a regular wisdom tooth removal is around $300, in case of an ambulatory wisdom tooth the price may be around $500-600, as for the latest minimally invasive extractions the charges are higher.

Wisdom teeth are the third molar, the latest tooth to erupt, and it erupts mostly between the ages of 18 and 25. At the same time, our mental and physical development is gradually approaching maturity, and the eruption of the third molar seems to be a symbol of the arrival of wisdom, so it is called wisdom teeth. In fact, wisdom teeth have nothing to do with intelligence, and removing them will not diminish your intelligence.

During human evolution, the jawbone gradually deteriorated, and there was often not enough room for wisdom teeth to erupt, which led to the wisdom teeth being blocked by soft or bony tissues when they erupted, and the eruption was incomplete or completely unable to erupt, which is known as blocked wisdom teeth. Obstructed wisdom teeth are prone to clinical problems such as pericoronitis, decay of adjacent teeth, root resorption of adjacent teeth, crowding, cysts and tumors in the jaws.


Wisdom teeth need to be removed. p>Wisdom teeth need to be removed

1, wisdom tooth decay: wisdom teeth grow in the innermost, often causing difficulties in cleaning the teeth, prone to wisdom tooth decay, if not removed, easy to infect the neighboring teeth, so it is recommended to remove, to eliminate future problems.

2. Causing lesions on neighboring teeth: Usually, there is not enough space for wisdom teeth to erupt, and they will fall on the second molar, thus causing the second molar to be difficult to clean, or even partially resorbed, resulting in discomfort or toothache for the patient.

3, recurring pericoronitis: If you find that your wisdom teeth are blocked and repeatedly cause inflammation, you should remove them as soon as possible to avoid causing other symptoms or diseases.

4, affecting the oral occlusion: wisdom teeth without opposing teeth are prone to elongation, affecting the entire oral occlusion and triggering temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

People's Daily News - 5 Things You Must Know About Wisdom Teeth Extraction

People's Daily News - The Things You Want to Know About Wisdom Teeth Extraction? Here's everything you wanted to know!