A computer system 32-bit equipped with a printer, another computer system 64-bit to **** enjoy the printer, the computer system 64-bit in the connection computer system 32-bit on the printer, the error is 0x0000000a solution.
Manually install the printer driver
1, click the "Start" menu, select the control panel to enter.
2, click on the red marked "devices and printers" to enter.
3, click on the red mark "Add Printer" to enter.
4. Click on the red mark "The printer I need is not in the list" to enter.
5. Select "Add a local printer or network printer through manual settings" in red and click "Next" to enter.
6, select the red marked "Printer Port", click "Next" to enter.
7, select the red marked by the need to install the printer driver, click "Next" to enter.
8, all the following steps directly click "Next" on the "OK"