Affiliated Hospital of Weifang Medical College Zip Code

The postcode of this hospital is 26 1035.

According to the postcode database, the postcode of the affiliated hospital of Weifang Medical College is 26 1035, in which 26 stands for Shandong Province, 10 stands for Weifang City and 35 stands for Kuiwen District.

The affiliated hospital of Weifang Medical College is a comprehensive third-class first-class hospital directly under Weifang Medical College. It has five campuses: Hospital Headquarters, Shengli Street, Fuyanshan, Cancer Hospital and Daliushu Hospital. The hospital has a building area of more than 200,000 square meters and more than 2,000 open beds. There are more than 2,500 employees, more than 500 senior titles and more than 800 doctors and masters.