Macao is the most well-known entertainment and tourism city on the southeast coast, the epidemic of 2020 led to Macao also appeared in a very grim shape, so now from the Spring Festival on the implementation of a strict entry and exit control mechanism, the following to share with you the latest Macao entry policy.
Foreign employeesStarting from 0000 hours on February 20, 2020, all foreign employees who enter Macau and have traveled to the mainland within the 14 days prior to their entry into the territory are required to undergo medical observation for 14 days at a location in Zhuhai City designated by the Department of Health and obtain a medical certificate of no infection with a new type of coronavirus issued by the health department of Zhuhai City before entering Macau. A medical certificate of no novel coronavirus infection issued by the Zhuhai Health Department is required before entry into Macao.
The Zhuhai_Government attaches great importance to this issue and held a meeting with representatives of the SAR Government this morning (February 19), and the Zhuhai_Government will give full support to Macau's anti-epidemic efforts.
Visitors, residentsAlso, according to the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, the Health Bureau will start at 00:00 tomorrow (Feb. 20) to conduct medical check-ups on inbound travelers by land, sea and air coming from areas with high prevalence of the new coronavirus infection, as well as on Macao residents who travel to and from Zhuhai and Macao several times a day.
Travelers from areas with high incidence of the new coronavirus will be arranged to undergo medical check-ups at the checkpoints (Macau: Workers' Stadium, Cotai: Pek On Ferry Terminal), which is expected to take a few hours, and if necessary, arrangements will be made for travelers to go to the Earl Grey General Hospital for further medical check-ups.
People who have completed the medical examination and have no symptoms will be released. Those who violate or refuse to undergo the medical examination will be held criminally liable in accordance with the law and may be subject to mandatory quarantine measures.