What's the difference between medical devices and medical equipment

No difference.

In our country, medical devices, medical equipment is the medical and health industry, different departments within the unit of different calls, in fact, are applicable to the human body of the instruments, equipment, appliances, materials and other items, but also includes the required computer software.

While the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) calls them medical devices, the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) calls them medical equipment. The term medical engineering is commonly used in hospitals and academic research organizations, and covers a broader field than medical devices and medical equipment.

Expanded Information:

Medical engineering is a term used to describe a medical device. p>Utility is obtained primarily by physical and other means, not by pharmacologic, immunologic, or metabolic means, or is involved but only in a supporting role.

The purpose is the diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, or alleviation of disease; the diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation, or functional compensation of injury; the examination, replacement, regulation, or support of physiological structures or processes; the support or maintenance of life; the control of pregnancy; and the provision of information for medical or diagnostic purposes through the examination of samples from the human body.

The state classifies and manages medical devices according to the degree of risk.

The first category is low-risk medical devices, the implementation of routine management can ensure their safety and effectiveness.

The second category is a moderate risk, need to strictly control the management to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical devices.

The third category is a higher risk, need to take special measures to strictly control the management to ensure its safety and effectiveness of medical devices.


Baidu Encyclopedia-Medical Equipment


Baidu Encyclopedia- Medical Devices