Robert Adler, Robert Adler, (1913-2007), Austria/USA - Wireless remote control for television
Edison (US) - electric light
Charles Babbage, Charles Babbage, (1791-1871), England - analyzer (programmable computer)
Roger Bacon, Roger Bacon, (1214-1294), England - Magnifying glass
John Logie Baird, (1888-1946), Scotland - Electro-mechanical television system
John Bardeen, ( 1908-1991), USA - ***Same inventor of the transistor
Alexander Graham Bell, (1847-1922), USA - Telephone
Karl Benz, (1844-1929 ), Karl Benz, (1844-1929), Germany - Gasoline-powered automobile
Tim Berners-Lee, (1955-), UK - Invented the World Wide Web with Robert Cailliau***
Walter Houser Brattain, (1902-1987), USA - co-inventor with Robert Cailliau*** of the transistor
Louis Braille, (1809-1852), France - Braille (a form of writing in Braille) Braille (a Braille writing system)
Karl Ferdinand Braun, (1850-1918), Germany - Cathode ray tube
Sergey Brin, (1973-), USSR/USA - Invented the Google web search engine along with Larry Page***
John Browning, John Moses Browning, (1855-1926), USA - automatic pistol
Wallace Hume Carothers Carothers, (1896-1937), USA - Nylon
Henri Coand, Henri Coand?, (1886-1972), Romania - Modern Jet Airplane
Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Jacques Cousteau, (1910-1997), France - Scuba and Nikonos underwater camera
Thomas Crapper, (1836-1910), England - Hydroelectric technician
Glenn Curtiss, Glenn Curtiss, (1878-1930), USA - Aileron for glider wings
Nils Gustaf Dalén, (1869-1937), Sweden - AGA stoves, lamps for Dalén lighthouse. Agamassan, accumulator, self-regulating device combining the functions of an ignited beacon, ignited buoy and accumulator
Humphry Davy, Humphry Davy, (1778-1829), Great Britain - Davy Light
James Dewar, James Dewar, (1842-1923 ), Scotland - Thermos flask
William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, (1860-1935), Scotland - Motion picture camera and moving picture projector
Rudolf Diesel, Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel, (1858-1913), Germany - diesel engine
George Eastman, George Eastman, (1854-1932), USA - film
Thomas Edison, en:, ( 1847-1931), USA - phonograph, commercially available incandescent light bulb, moving picture projector, securities quotation machine, etc.
Wilhelm Eintoven, en:, (1860-1927), Netherlands - electrocardiogram and measuring devices
Douglas Engelbart, en:, ( 1925-), USA - Mouse
Michael Faraday, Michael Faraday, (1791-1867), UK - Generators, electric motors, power transformers
Enrico Fermi, Enrico Fermi, (1901-1954 ), USA/Italy - nuclear reactors
FAN SINDA, Reginald Aubrey Fessenden, (1866-1932), Canada - transmitting and receiving radio equipment
Alexander Fleming, Alexander Fleming. (1881-1955), Scotland - Penicillin (also known as penicillin, Penicillin, a type of antibiotic)
Léon Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon Foucault, (1819-1868), France - Foucault Pendulum, Gyroscope, Vortex Current
Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, (1706-1790), United States - lightning rod, bifocals, glass organ, Franklin fireplace