How is the salary at the 16th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation?

The monthly salary of mid-to-senior technicians and mid-to-senior managers at Hefei No. 16 Institute is about 3,000 yuan. If you have a larger project, the highest commission at the end of the year is 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. For masters, Especially considering the salary of a doctorate, an annual salary of 200,000 is not impossible. You must know that this is Hefei, so the income is not bad.

Other insurance is the same as that of public institutions. There is medical insurance but no pension insurance, because the institute is essentially still a public institution. Of course, we will not know about it after the national reform.

The new director was transferred from the 38th Institute. The products and directions of cryogenic electronics of this institute are key development areas of modern science and technology. You can learn about this. If you join this institute now, you should have a very good career development opportunity.

CLP’s research institutes cannot be generally said to be better or worse, because they are all the same in terms of level, and both have department-level business structures. However, there is a big gap in terms of efficiency and employee income. big. The difference between heaven and earth is normal. It mainly depends on what major you study. If your major is relatively compatible with the 16th university, then there is nothing to say. If you major in electronics in a broad category, the ranking of the 16 China Electric Power Research Institutes cannot be at the top. Among the six institutes of Anhui CLP, it is probably ranked fourth at most. . .