Suicide of children is the child's psychological vulnerability, or parents spoiled, or the general environment of society?

In today's society, the psychological problems of young people are becoming more and more prominent, and people see news from time to time: a teenager threatened with death because his mother disconnected him from the Internet and couldn't play games; a teenager criticized by his parents because of his poor academic performance committed suicide. And this kind of news is not a minority, but there seems to be a growing trend. So, people cannot help but ask whether it is the children who are weak in heart, or the parents who are too spoiled, or the social environment that affects them. In fact, there is never a single factor that influences suicide.

Scientists have dissected the brains of suicidal and non-suicidal people in an attempt to study the differences and find out what influences suicide, and if these differences can be detected through medication or scanning tests, then one day we will be able to identify those who are at high risk of suicide and avoid tragedies.

Arango, of the New York Psychiatric Institute at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, believes that suicide may be potentially biologically dangerous, and may be linked in some way to neurological routes of messaging. He was working on this study with his colleague Hummel, and one of the things that caught their attention was the precortical layer of the brain, the executive functioning part of the brain, which has an internal censorship mechanism to prevent people from blurting out the truth in difficult situations or behaving inappropriately in response to potentially dangerous impulses.

In fact, scientists have used impulses as early warnings of suicide for decades, although some people plan their suicides very carefully. But one of the focal points of making very bad decisions on a very bad day, which may have a biological basis as impulsivity, is the brain serotonin . This neurotransmission mediator is responsible for transmitting signals from one cell to another and has the effect of calming the brain's consciousness. People have studied serotonin in relation to depression, aggression, and impulsivity, but very little attention has been paid to its relation to suicide because it is so ambiguous. Some researchers have found that suicidal people have less serotonin in their brains; some have found that suicidal people's serotonin is no different from the norm; some have found that suicidal people have more; and some have found that suicidal people's serotonin is present in one region of the brain and not. Despite the multiple inconsistencies, Arango has identified evidence.

At the 2001 American Joint Neuropsychopharmacology Conference, Arango shared his findings, using two groups of brains for comparison, one of non-suicides and one of suicides. Those who committed suicide due to depression had fewer neurons in the anterior cortical layer of the brain; and in the suicidal brains, the number of presynaptic serotonin transmitters in that area was just one-third of that in the control brains, while the postsynaptic serotonin receivers increased by 30 percent. These results suggested that the brains of the suicides were trying to maximize the use of every serotonin molecule they had by increasing the molecular apparatus of the neurotransmitter and decreasing the number of reuptake transmitters, and Arango concluded that the suicidal serotonin system was defective.

Researchers at Emory University School of Medicine found that extremely bad early life experiences, such as childhood abuse, can alter the normalcy of the HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) axis, leaving a biochemical imprint on the brain that makes it easy to overreact to life's stresses later on and become depressed. The team found that people with suicidal thoughts have more serotonin receptors, and that suicidal people have as much serotonin as they can accumulate in their brains in a futile effort.

No one knows what kind of journey a suicidal person has gone through, but a person's upbringing can have a huge impact on their future trajectory.

1. Acquired

Some studies have found that those in the immediate family who have had someone commit suicide in previous generations also have a high rate of suicide in their offspring, which is not to say that suicidal behavior is inherited. Rather, when a loved one, especially an important loved one, is found to have succeeded in committing suicide before the eyes of the person in question, or to have attempted suicide, these behaviors leave an impression in the mind of the person in question. When he encounters a setback and is momentarily at a loss as to how to react, the suicidal behavior of a loved one will instantly surface, prompting him to make the decision to commit suicide.

2. Abuse

Some people grow up living in the dark, almost every day afraid, either by domestic violence, or by all kinds of abuse, no relief and help, and then produce despair. Some people choose to commit suicide because they can't stand the abuse and don't feel hope; others become murderers because their hearts are filled with hatred.

3. Spoiled

Not all suicides are due to abuse and suicidal thoughts, some are because they are too well protected, what to give, almost never encountered any setbacks, or even if they encountered setbacks are also people to help solve. Once there is no one to help them solve their problems, they choose to commit suicide because of their poor ability to cope with setbacks. Another situation is that, due to being spoiled to develop a unreasonable character, in the case of their own needs are not satisfied, suicide, thinking that this can be revenge to others.

Today's society, the fast pace of life, the growth of a variety of bad habits, affecting people's normal life, coupled with work and economic pressures, some people can not think for a moment, impulsive suicide, this group is usually in the case of the first attempted suicide, the fear of death, no longer suicidal, but there are some exceptions, usually encountered in the group of emergencies, such as natural and manmade disasters resulting in the destruction of the family, and the development of traumatic stress disorder, the death of the family.

However, some studies have shown that apart from genetics, upbringing and social factors, the natural environment also has an impact on suicide. For example, Iceland, a place where global income is high and people live almost carefree lives, has a surprisingly high suicide rate. The effect of this is mainly due to the weather conditions in Iceland, as it is in the Arctic Circle and sometimes experiences the phenomenon of polar day or polar night, i.e., either the sun doesn't set all of a sudden or it's pitch black all of a sudden. This polarized natural phenomenon has a great impact on human mood swings, leading Iceland to become a country with a high suicide rate.

In addition, the seasonal climate has a great impact on human personality and decisions. Some studies have shown that the months of May and November each year are the peak months for suicide. This is because in May, during the rainy season, there is a lot of rain and the gloomy weather makes people feel heavy and depressed; while November is a cold period in some areas, and the low temperature weather makes people feel depressed.

In short, whether it is a minor or an adult, the factors affecting suicide are not single, but multiple factors **** the same role, some just play the role of the fuse.

The above is my answer, if you have other questions, welcome to leave a message in the comments section below, *** with the discussion.

There are many reasons for suicide, which can be broadly categorized into two main groups: self-inflicted and external causes, and the two interact with each other. The external stress events may trigger some of the internal suicidal thoughts; and the internal character of the more sensitive and fragile people will also take the external stress events more seriously. If a person himself belongs to the depressive temperament type, and is experiencing a huge external stressful events, such as the loss of love, work, employment, school and other issues, it is likely to increase the probability of suicide.

Would love to explore communicating this. Life is precious, self-abandonment of life should be life-less, for the child to come to this point should be said to have the following reasons combined to lead to.

1. Lack of love. The connotation of love is very wide, love yourself love family love relatives and friends love life, people in the mutual care, the seed of love has been y buried in the heart, rooted, sprouted, and passed on the inheritance. Such an atmosphere full of love can definitely cultivate children who love life and love living. Then a child who commits suicide must be unable to feel the love around, for anyone who has nothing to worry about associated with, he thinks he is dispensable, not concerned about.

2. Inner depression, can not be resolved, the pain is unbearable. The child's depression may be caused by the inability to communicate with others, may be self-pressure is too much, and may also be very poor health. If you can't get the love of the people around you, communication is blocked, can't release, will produce a tumor like emotions, this bad mood spread and grow, to a certain extent, they can not control will make extreme behavior.

Therefore, in the modern society, we should pay more attention to the children's mental and physical health, and give the children a lot of care.

No single factor can cause a child to commit suicide!

The news of children committing suicide and every once in a while will be seen on the news. And every time I learn about the family behind a suicidal child, I can't help but feel that it wasn't easy for the child to survive until now.

The children who can go to suicide, the family often have the following characteristics, or both or only a few of them:

Often the parents are similar style, or one side of the child pressure very tight, and the other side of the absence. For example, single-parent families, or families with marital problems, and often the mothers of such families are prone to pass on the stress to their children because of their own emotional problems or life issues that they don't deal with.

The child becomes the innocent scapegoat.

A child who wants to kill himself or herself and end his or her life must be suffering from a long history of pent-up emotions in the family that have not been released.

For a child, emotions are the driving force behind almost all of his actions, emotions influence behavior, and behavior changes the brain.

The positive cycle is that bad emotions can be channeled and alleviated in a timely manner, with parental attention.

However, the reality is that most families do not treat their children with concern and relief, but rather with behavior, and desperately focus on the behavior to try to change it!

A person is like an iceberg, the behavior of the iceberg is just the surface of the things, the more you look at the child's behavior, the more crazy, the more you look at the more you think it is a bear child, the more you want to change the behavior of the more it is a cure for the symptoms and not the root of the problem.

Even if both parents one does not understand the child, the other can give the child support, or not. And not to go to suicide.

Often, either the parents are a united front, or one of them is absent, and the child is isolated.

For example, last year, a very sensational Shanghai, middle school boys jumped from the viaduct. It is because the mother and son in the car argument and conflict between classmates, the child may be the mother's words to the excitement, in a fit of anger, pull open the car door, directly from the viaduct jumped down.

The accumulation of all the previous parent-child relationships and high-pressure parenting styles finally exploded out of control when they encountered this trigger!

The child's suicide must be directly related to his family system family environment, the relationship between the child and the parents, the relationship between the parents, the emotional reaction pattern between family members, the language communication pattern are all related.

The solution to a child's problem depends on his entire family structure.

It's all related

Hi, I'm ArtEileen, a counselor, and I'm happy to answer your questions.

When committing suicide the child doesn't really want to die, impulsive thoughts come into the child's head and the child wants to kill this other demon that is tormenting him. He will feel good when he makes a cut on his own wrist, that feeling of finally being alive and present, that it is only the devil he is killing!

In the current era of test-based education, parents are anxious about their children's schooling, and their children's grades are the capital that parents use to show off. Parents also hope that their children will do well in their studies, and go to a good school, so that their future life will be secure. But this is the idea of the parents themselves, what kind of life the child wants the child has the answer inside.

Parents will constantly nag their children about learning, and this nagging is the biggest reason for children to commit suicide. The psychologist Albert Bandura, who studied social cognition, came up with the idea of self-efficacy. Bandura, came up with the theory of self-efficacy. The theory of self-efficacy is that a person feels a sense of accomplishment when he or she accomplishes something, and has a definite sense of self-worth. When a parent constantly asks a child to study and sets high goals, the child loses the intrinsic motivation, and only studies in order to cooperate with his or her parents, feeling that he or she is being consumed day by day.

So more and more feel that he is a worthless person, parents are always criticizing themselves, he is not worth living, so the child wants to go to the jump.


Teenagers have not yet formed a stable self-concept, the network is full of vicious language, curses, abuse, teenagers are exposed to this polluted emotional environment, it is easy to feel inferior, feel that they do not deserve to live, and then go to self-harm, suicide.

Some social media accounts are heartbreaking, with kids exchanging photos and feelings about slitting their wrists.

The environment of being coddled by parents, coddling parents themselves are often anxious and insecure, so he or she will overprotect their children, control them, and develop a dependent personality in them.

Once a child leaves the protection of his parents, society is a place of great fear, so the school is the most horrible place, the child can not deal with interpersonal relationships, which leads to low self-esteem. And children who are often controlled by their parents have a lot of emotional repression because they are the emotional trash can of their parents.

Among the problems of teenage suicide, the parenting attitude is the main reason, parents have too high expectations, not enough care for their children, and some parents never say I love you to their children, are all the reasons to make the child have low self-esteem (psychological vulnerability), and the child will have impulsive suicidal thoughts once he feels that he does not deserve to live, is a redundant existence, and there is no one who cares about him.

We recommend the book "Living the Meaning of Life", which is a classic book on finding the meaning of life. Each person's life has its own unique value, no need to envy others, no need to compare. Pain is a part of life, everyone has pain, if there are these kids around who often self-harm, make sure you tell them that your life is worth it, you are really good and great kids.

The reason for children who commit suicide is comprehensive but mainly comes from the family parents' education, education content, because the family is the first school to train children, parents are the first teacher. The child's character, personality, way of thinking, mainly in the family to shape, if the child grows up in a loving environment, in the rules and freedom of the environment, in the face of problems, parents encourage children to face to help, rather than accusations, so that the child knows how to face the frustration, how to solve the problem in life. Therefore, he encountered in real life frustration problems difficulties, he will face, will go to solve, when encountered problems can not be solved, he will also seek the help of teachers, classmates help, when teachers and classmates do not understand, he can at least return home, find parents to help ta solve, because he knows that there is love in the home, love is the driving force to solve all the problems, the parents are the last firewall of her life. According to statistics, 87% of children who commit suicide, although sometimes because of external reasons and pressures, but ultimately because of problems in the early education of the family!

Suicide requires more courage than we can imagine, and is not something that can be facilitated by a few conditions. As Xiao Hong wrote in her book: "Many men are out there fighting in the war, and everyone thinks it's very brave. But no one has gone to see the suicide of women jumped the well, the well do not know how deep, jumped in is certain to not live, which requires how much courage?"

Some suicides are prompted by impulsive emotions in the moment, for example, in the course of our crisis intervention, we often hear visitors say that they can't go on living, and that they really want to die. Although these words are mostly angry words or signals of desperation for help, we still have to immediately reassure, give hope for life, provide resources and support, so that they can see the meaning of life.

There are also suicidal behaviors that are the result of many things overshadowing what it means to live. Prof. Irving Aron, in his lecture on existential psychology, said that the root cause of life's suffering comes from four ultimate issues: inevitable death; deep inner loneliness; freedom and responsibility; and the lack of meaning in life.

The most common of these four roots of suffering that lead to suicidal behavior are deep loneliness and the meaninglessness of life.

Loneliness is like being alone, floating on the sea or in the starry sky, without conversation, without companionship, and without the feelings and feedback that people deserve in society (autistic children are also a symptom of this, with no feedback and no normal feelings).

Life is meaningless, and that is the ultimate cause of great suffering. The things we are doing, the words we are saying, the socialization we are developing, have no meaning, or if they do have meaning, that meaning belongs to someone else and has nothing to do with ourselves.

A child's tolerance is thinner than an adult's. Some of the things we experience as adults are big or small, but for a child they are Tarzan. Therefore, in the psychological growth stage of the child period, the parents' companionship and understanding is quite important. Although the social environment is also an important aspect, but considering the child period is mainly at home and school to spend more time, so parents as guardians, or to take more responsibility.

This is an issue that deserves the attention of the whole society, and it is a wake-up call for the whole society and the parents!

Suicidal children are not psychologically fragile, but they have endured too many things that they should not have endured at their age! For example, parents' emotions, mom's complaints about dad's lack of family, dad's stress about work, parents' own unfulfilled wishes, and even the shadows that come from parents' families of origin, are all passed on to the children through the parents' emotions that they can't control! And so much pressure, the child is still small, he does not know how to release the pressure and distraction.

This is just one of the points, there is emotional neglect, some people will say, now living conditions are so good, the children live a very superior and very happy, but we must not forget that the word "man" consists of an apostrophe, an apostrophe on behalf of the survival of the material needs of the one expressed in the spirit of the needs of the emotional needs, and now the material life is very rich, and the spiritual needs of the children. Nowadays, material life is very rich, but what about spiritual life? There is a lack of spiritual life! Nowadays, many parents' love for their children belongs to the "fast food" kind of love, which seems to be rich but actually lacks nutrition and energy! Even in the treatment of children on the issue of two extremes, which two extremes? On the one hand, the material life on the spoiled, resulting in excessive dependence on the child's family, poor independence, on the other hand, in the study or parents can not control the mood of the child will be verbal violence, there is a sentence I am very impressed: you are full of love, but the face of the grimace!

There is pressure but no one listens to understand, there is helpless but ignored, cynical, and even be said that at a young age so good life, you do not know enough! There are emotions and parents talk back, will be said to be ungrateful, ungrateful! How can a child's young mind cope with the emotions, helplessness, and uncertainty of school and society outside? Who can realize how disappointing it is to give up one's life? They are the flowers of the motherland, the treasures of the family! Please listen to the children's cries: please love me a little more, please let go of me a little, please respect me a little, love me, please give me ~ I need it!