Radiation staff occupational health monitoring files should include routine monitoring methods and results and other relevant information; emergency or accident exposure dose and investigation reports and other relevant information; radiation work unit should be personal dose monitoring results recorded in a timely manner in the "radiation staff card.
Radiation staff occupational health monitoring file is to engage in radiation staff for occupational health monitoring records and file management. Its purpose is to ensure the occupational health and safety of radiation workers and prevent radiation hazards from causing damage to the human body. Carrying out diagnostic radiology specialty lead training work and participate in scientific research.
Occupational health monitoring files should include personal basic information, practice, occupational exposure history, occupational health examination results, diagnosis of occupational diseases, occupational exposure dose and so on. At the same time, need to ensure the confidentiality of the file, only the work unit and the individual himself can access. Radiological diagnostic personnel according to the clinical requirements of the examination to engage in fluoroscopy, conventional imaging, special imaging and other operations.
Regularizing the writing of diagnostic radiology reports and regularly checking the diagnostic compliance rate. Report the radiological diagnosis of emergency patients in a timely manner, and undertake rescue work in special imaging and radiological examination. To comply with the operating procedures, operate the machine correctly, and be responsible for the maintenance of the machine, and accept the guidance and supervision of the personnel in charge of the specialized machine on the use and operation of the machine.
Radiology workers:
Radiology workers include medical workers, industrial workers, and mining workers.
Medical work crowd engaged in X-photography, CT, nuclear medicine and other related medical radiation workers, the use of radiation penetration characteristics for everyone diagnosis and treatment at the same time, may be exposed to radiation sources and radiation devices. Hospitals should regularly complete the quality control inspection of radiation equipment and radiation place protection testing, for medical staff equipped with personal protective equipment.
Industrial field of the workforce occupation is industrial radiation technology is widely used, mainly in the food, iron and steel, chemical industry, electric power, coal, petroleum, paper, import and export goods inspection and other industries, with the help of radiation penetration characteristics of radiation sterilization, flaw detection, thickness measurement, exploring wells, etc., in the process of the operation, the radiation staff may be irradiated by rays.
Mining workforce: radon is a natural radioactive gas in nature, and usually the ventilation conditions are better and the radon concentration in the environment is at a lower level. However, relatively confined environments such as mine shafts and culverts may accumulate higher concentrations of radon gas. Staff inhaling radon gas and depositing it in the lungs will produce alpha ray damage and increase the risk of lung cancer.